Как поймать щуку в феврале - Рыболовная база Завидово

Как поймать щуку в феврале

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как поймать щуку в феврале

Winter fishing ends in March, but active to catch a predator starting in the second half of February. Becomes active walleye, Northern pike. To fish for pike in February, the most exciting experience in winter fishing.

Pike is one of the largest predators of our reservoirs. Sometimes you can find these captured giants, but are caught mainly pike sizes up to 4 kg. In February, the pike is in the places with the best oxygen balance. How to catch pike in February.
Search pike

You need to catch at the confluence of the rivers and creeks, in places where there is the introduction of fresh oxygen under the ice. Advantage will be the edge and the differences of depths, but in February they are of little value. Often in February, the pike goes from the coastal zone and selects zakoryazhennyh places or places with sufficient depth, without vegetation.
When catching?

Best pike bite in the pre-dawn hours and during sunrise. Active pike with 8 – 9 hours in a span of 11 to 15 hours a day. The evening bite is happening off the coast and does not last long. If the weather is not favorable, the pike bite is almost unpredictable. The most effective will thaw with the southern wind. Day pike’s 20 – 30 minutes, to be satisfied, so it is important to be in the right place at the right time.

In the second half of February pike starts pre-spawning migration, and it goes closer to the shallow water with a depth greater than 1.5 meters.

In February, the most productive pike fishing on imitation fish. Trolling can also show not bad results. Pike will attract more baitfish than its imitation. At this time, the pike is very careful and even a spoon or balancer will attack with extreme caution. Zherlitsa the most simple form of tackle for pike. It consists of the base and the coils of the indicator poklevki. The fishing line is taken from 0.3 – 0.6 mm. need a leash. The hook is single. Definitely need a sinker, preferably in the form of cartechini. The weight of the sinkers should not have pike resisting the bite, but should not give the bait to swim away for cover. How to catch pike in February? You need to use the right bait. For bait would be the best bait.

For live bait you can use fish caught in the same pond. Use for carp, perch, roach, perch or Rotana. Better choice of bait is minnow.
The pike bite

Biting pike determined, though cautious. She grabs the bait across the body, then expands and swallows. Long delay with hooking do not like to give the pike to swallow the bait whole. It is important to find a middle ground.

The playing is performed immediately, the slack can be given as the ability of pike to step aside. Seeing the light in the hole pike will begin a more aggressive resistance.

A little video on how to catch pike in February:

Winter spinning


To catch a pike in February, You can Zavidovo fishing.

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