Способ ловли на бомбарду - Рыболовная база Завидово

Способ ловли на бомбарду

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

способ ловли на бомбарду

The method of fishing on the bombard

Bombard – heavy float, capable of throwing light tackle away from the shore. Who can catch the snap-in, bombard, and how to catch?
The method of catching sabrefish

Chehon on the way the transaction needs to simulate the motion of a drowning insect. Need to do a few smooth suspenders, alternating with pauses.

Summer on guns caught at dawn or at sunset. As bait, using a worm maggots, barley or twisters. Thrown a lure in front of a gaggle of fish. Be careful not to lose the bait when casting.
Method of grayling fishing on the bombard

You first need to determine the habitat of the fish. The float is thrown slightly to the side, depending on the type of flow. Posted above the fish. Grayling will be interested in the slow movement of the bait and often it is a bite immediately after casting the bait.
Method asping on the bombard

ASP caught on the bombard in the summer, most often in the early morning or late evening when the heat subsides. He hides in the pits. Bombard thrown into the pit to fattening predator or slightly away from him. Biting occurs between patikami. As nozzles use live bait, Wobbler or minnow.
Method of perch fishing on the bombard

When bass won’t take the bait, bombard saving becomes a snap. The best time for catching perch – autumn, morning or late evening. As bait it is best to use a spoon and vibrohvost, perfectly mimicking the movement slow and sick fish. Fishing technique is casting and slow twitch of the rod.
Ways of catching salmon

The throw is slightly above the Parking lot of fish to bait the would later fall to the desired depth. Fly can sink a little and slowly moving down to the fish.

Wiring is done so that the bait moved down the stream and crossed it. This will allow you to make movements which are very attractive to salmon.
Method catching Rudd on the bombard

To the place of fishing is firstly delivered by bait. If bait is not, then the Rudd looking for near the border of open water and vegetation, as well as at a depth of 1-2 meters. Wiring need to slowly, smoothly and silently, otherwise you’ll scare the fish. You can try to alternate lifting with pulling that trigger on the Rudd bite.
Methods of pike fishing in the bombard

Looking for pike in the weeds near where you can throw the bait. Posting is slow for active pike can accelerate the speed of the transaction. When on the surface you can see the pike, it is possible to reduce the speed of the transaction to its full stop and perform twitching. It provokes a pike and forcing her to perform a throw.

When fishing with a Bombarda to the fishing line is not twisted before the float hit the water, you need to stop the unwinding of the line. This will lead to straightening the snap and hit the bait in the water first.

The important thing when casting not to lose the bait, so casting is carried out slowly and evenly.

When fishing with a Bombarda throw the bait as far away from the fisherman to catch timid fish. To throw even trees.

Although the bombard and relatively new method of fishing, today it is very popular fishing for shy fish. Catch the bombard can be in any layers of water and in strong currents. It can be called easy to learn and very effective and efficient way of fishing. To try to fish the Bombarda you can Zavidovo fishing.

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