Рыболов автомат своими руками - Рыболовная база Завидово

Рыболов автомат своими руками

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

Автомат рыболов своими руками

Would you like to have an automatic device for podsekaniya fish? Another would be. It only may seem to sit at the bait of pleasure. But in practice, the fisherman much tired, when waiting for the next bite, he needs to be focused and attentive.

We invite you to make a device that itself undermines the fish swallowing the bait. Such a device cannot be bought in the store. Because its simply not for sale. (Not to be confused with e-rod). The machine will have to collect yourself, although it is not so simple, but it is possible.

We will need the following items: 2 spokes from a Bicycle, spring, ring, 2 steel and 2 bamboo twig.

1. Fasten the 2 rods on opposite sides of the spring so that each was inserted into the spring 5 see
2. Do the U-shaped wings from Bicycle spokes, skip it across the ring and tightly fastened in the lower part of the spring.
3. Make a small loop of wire is then attached to the twig in the area closer to the spring. In the loop you need to push the needle fifteen centimeters. The needle should go about de middle of the scenes.
4. On the contrary we made a loop, but on the top twig need to build another loop of thick fishing line. This loop will serve as a limiter wound spring.
5. On the same twig closer to the spring fasten the reel and the reel. At the end of the rod construct carrying a loop of fishing line. This mechanism works like this: Lock loop over the needle, the spring flexes and ring locks the needle.
6. Prepare the line leads with hooks and sliding cargo. The line of 0.3 mm On the hooks of 0.25 mm.

How does the Fisher machine?

Fasten our device on the ground, throws the bait on the hooks in the water. Our spring flexes and separatist in the right place. Another small detail: take a grain of foam and attach to the leash slightly above the hooks. This must be done so that the hooks are not drowned, and not entangled in the vegetation of the pond.
Our machine angler is ready. With the right settings it works as soon as the fish takes the bait. Try to collect it on your own, it is very interesting and quite productive!

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