Рыбалка язь - Рыболовная база Завидово

Рыбалка язь

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Рыбалка язь

IDE – fish of a beautiful, dark silver, metallic gold on the sides with a white belly. Red fins frame an elongated body with a dark tail. Slightly spoils the IDE oblique mouth, but it’s small size.
The IDE reaches a length of up to half a metre and weight up to three kilograms, of course, there are exceptions: weight – 8 kg, height up to 70 cm.
Asino patience he lacks and slightly contaminated water, relatively calm and the fish react to weather fluctuations.
A moderate course, the maelstrom, the pit is the place where to look for the IDE. At night he goes to for food on a sandy shoal, but is not afraid of the muddy bottom, too.

On the spawning of the IDE is ready to go when the water temperature is close to 6 degrees.
IDE diet, so diet has a wide scope: plankton and benthos, animal and vegetable food.
Despite the fact that most fish do not have a particular interest in a certain food is in season, yet one should know that in the spring when erosion of the coast fish prefer the worm, in the summer, when many insects is on the surface of the water, IDE gladly eats grasshoppers, dragonflies and their larvae. Go to your food in the summer and young shoots of cane and mulberry.
Catching IDE

With the arrival of autumn, the IDE switches to maggots, beetle, caddis, fry.
Like most fish, IDE still cautious fish, and catch her with the disguise.

Catchability in the spring of the clock – morning, but the bite is limited to an hour and a half.

In summer IDE “gives” angler two hours from 6 to 8 in the morning.

At the beginning of fall schedule of biting moves by 10 o’clock in the morning.

In the evening, too, have a small bite before sunset. In the fall of fish from noon till evening, sometimes up to seven hours.
Cloudy and warm – good fishing in the lakes. In the warm rain, the IDE also delight in fishing its cool. In dry hot weather the lakes can be caught only in the early morning and late evening.
Is considered good for catching IDE winds from the South or from the West. Cold winds and rains of unpleasant fish, and she rarely goes out of their deep pits.
Active IDE and after a long bad weather during the onset of heat light warm ver, with lower water. At this time, the IDE eats well, greedily grabbing the bait.
Bait for IDE

When fishing for IDE use bait, the composition similar to bait for bream. Lure need two hours before the main gear.
To catch the fish can simple tackle with a float in the wiring, ground rods and other gear.
With a fishing rod, the fisherman should get a small flow, bridge, driftwood, because there’s bound to be IDE. Big fish behaves somewhat apart, and the juveniles will be a small team to feed near these places.
To fish from shore you need a long and strong fishing rod with a float made of foam plastic or cork.

The IDE will pull the float under the water, hooking his need immediately. If the float floats, then fed the fish lips tries the bait. She will either throw it or grab and pull the float to the side.
To draw out the IDE carefully, he will fight than it might scare off any animals in the County, and his lips are weak, can be broken. That’s why the net is absolutely necessary.

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