Perch lives almost everywhere. Why almost? No its only in Chukotka and Kamchatka, and the Amur he does not favor.
Living in the river, it can be any in the water column, ranging from shore to deep wells, though there is a perch at constant habits.
A novice fisherman you can go fishing right after the ice drift, fishing the perch will be eagerly and constantly, and the fisherman of the catch will be equal with the more experienced opponent.
At the end of spring fish already spawn and the fishing will focus on finding and fishing out his tracks to the spawning grounds.
Summer perch gives himself manner to hunt. Perch nicely colored and therefore not noticeable. But noisy hunts, stalking prey sometimes with friends. Hot on the chase, perch can even jump out of the water, this time he loses vigilance and does not pay attention to anything extraneous, except for hunting.
Small perch hunt from ambush, hiding in the dense underwater thickets. Fishing bass of larger size are concentrated in the so-called edge and cartilage.
The summer sunset perch are attracted by turbidity water. Like all predators, perch are curious and will come to know what is happening.
In the autumn the perch is very voracious, because accumulate fat for hibernation. He grabs everything indiscriminately.
For spinning the spinner need a small, lightweight, oblong. Perch fishing is possible, as at the bottom and at the surface.
If found, the habitat of large animals, you can use imitation fish.
Tackle for bass fishing
The most common tackle for perch – fishing rod with a float. Choose the rod sufficiently strong and long. Take 0.20 mm fishing line and hooks tied No. 5 – No. 7. Perch not interested in hook size, small fish are sometimes to grab the hook that they “can not handle”.
Fishing one person can use multiple rods, generally they can be defeated, even if the bite is active. Many fishermen use float-samovodskata, but the bait should then serve or worm or larvae.
Throughout the year you can use a fishing rod with a nod with a jig. This tackle is considered a very successful and generating a good catch.
Fishing for bass from the shore or from a boat
During summer and winter used a fishing rod to plumb. Use it to the depth of 4 meters. Baubles take a narrow, white. Most often, these homemade baubles, hooks onto them firmly.
The catchability nozzle is considered to be the perches of the eye. You can apply the pieces of fish, avian and fish guts.
If the water is muddy, the gear can be improved by adding large lures color lemon. They have to 10 – 15 cm higher than the spinner.
Rare, but still used zakidnogo a spoon. A small “spoons” 25 by 3 mm with a very sharp hook. UDA should be long, 5 meters – 7 with fishing line 0.20 mm. Then will be able to make a cast into the reeds and dragging the lure across the surface, to follow the course of fishing.
But the eyes of his kinsman, the perch are biting well on bloodworms, maggots, he wondered extremely rare.
Bite this fish just, strongly: enough and tries to swallow immediately. To the fish, not spoil, off the hook, it is better to use large hooks with long sting. So much for the fishing of perch!