Рыбалка на язя - Рыболовная база Завидово

Рыбалка на язя

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рыбалка на язя

Probably many have heard of such fish as IDE. What kind of fish and how to catch fish?

Yaz – the fish is beautiful, color is dark silver with a gold tint on the sides with a white belly. Red fins frame the oblong body with a dark tail.

IDE grows to half a metre and weight up to three kilograms, of course, there are exceptions: weight – 8 kg, height up to 70 cm.

The IDE is spawning when the water temperature to 6 degrees Celsius.

IDE diet, so diet has a big range: plankton and benthos of animal and vegetable foods.

Despite the fact that most fish don’t have a particular interest in certain foods in season, yet one should know that in the spring when the river Bank erosion fish prefers worms, in summer, when the insect is on the surface of the water, IDE gladly feeds on grasshoppers, dragonflies and their larvae. Are eaten in the summer and young shoots of cane and mulberry.
Fishing in the lakes in the summer

You need to look for the river, where there is a small course with steep banks with a depth of 5 meters with an abundance of snags. In lakes IDE will live in the eyebrows and other differences of depths. Fishing the lakes in the summer have on, early morning and late evening.

Tackle for fishing the lakes in the summer is different, this may be a Donk and feeder and float. Caught on the float from the bottom, if on the river there are not strong currents. The noticeable course is recommended to catch on the wiring. At a depth of more than 4 meters it may be easier to catch at the feeder.

Tip for summer fishing IDE mainly of vegetable: steamed peas, mastyrka, the wheat is steamed. You can make a “sandwich” of plant and animal bits, like a worm, motylja, oparysha. In the summer fishing for IDE plays a huge role bait. That was a stable bite, IDE need to lure in the same place for weeks. Lure mainly steamed peas mixed with bait mixes and cereals. To the bait was not taken to add to her clay, so the only scattering bait reaching the bottom.

For fishing the lakes in the summer need to be thin leashes from 0.14 to 0.18 mm. as IDE careful, all the elements should be as inconspicuous. In addition, you must behave more quietly.
Fishing in the lakes in the spring

In late March and early April, fish IDE is beginning to leave the wintering grounds and is sent to eat in the tributaries. Inflows of oxygenated, allowing fish to gain strength and be cleaned of parasites to begin to feed before spawning. By raising the water level of the fish you receive food that hits the water with clean water shores. The higher the water level, the more successful will be fishing in the lakes.

When the water is warmed enough, and IDE will gain enough strength and will eat, he will begin to spawn. When the water recedes, IDE go back into the main pond where it will feed near the coastal shallow waters.

Fishing for bullhead in the spring it is best held in places where there are overhanging trees over the water, as there it feeds on fallen with him worms and insects. Bite best IDE from early morning until 10 am and from night until dusk, although the IDE can be a good idea to catch and throughout the day.

You can try both artificial and natural bait. Effective lures like Twister, rotating blesna with the petals, Wobbler, Popper, and lures that mimic insects.

Among the animals baits won the most popular burs and larvae of bark beetles and may beetle. For successful fishing for bullhead in the spring, you need to lure him. The bait can be ready to buy, but you can do it yourself. To make the bait mix you need to mix any cereal with worms and clay. The resulting mixture is rolled into small balls and throws them in the place of the bite. These balls, once in the water and reaching the bottom, begin to decompose and attract fish. Perfect for bait chopped bloodworms, placed in a gauze bag and lowered into place for the future of fishing. If you have not had time to prepare the mixture, you can just throw the peas, corn and flakes of Hercules in the water.

To determine the lot of yaz need to watch the water, if gentle splashing of water around the flooded riparian vegetation, there is certainly IDE. However, we must remember that the IDE is very timid fish, so be very careful without creating much fuss and not rustling the dry branches.

Catch IDE, you can Zavidovo fishing.

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