Рыба линь - Рыболовная база Завидово

Рыба линь

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Рыба линь

At first glance, Ling – fish, clumsy, thick, greenish with a gold glitter color. The sides of the fish with olive; belly yellowish, and the back is dark green. Red eyes, bright, fins are brown with a grey tinge, round in shape. The scales of the tench are immersed in the skin due to small size, on the fish’s body slime. Lin moustached, on both sides of the mouth grow a small mustache.

Fish Ling got its name because in the air it changes color. It turns out that the slime on the body of Lin under the influence of oxygen in the air and solidifies the impression that the color of the body changes.
Where the usual Lin

The habitat of this fish the rivers and lakes in the West of our country, the rivers Ob and Yenisei. Lin loves the water quiet, weeds, overgrown ponds, can wait out bad conditions of life, buried in the muddy bottom. Their favorite places Ling leaves only during high water.
To feed this fish are worms, larvae, mollusks, vegetation, – all that can be found in the silt at a depth of 7 cm.
The tench grows to 30cm in length, weight reaches 600g. There are individuals – the giants up to 5 kg weight.

Basic tackle for tench – the ground rod and a rod with a float. Take 0.4 mm fishing line with a hook No. 5 or No. 7.
As bait, the fishermen use the flesh of shell-fish, worm, motylja, oparysha.
Lin is quite unusual picks up the nozzle. If swallowed a small tench, then he twitches a couple of times the bait and tries to drag her to the bottom, reel in immediately.
Fish tench habits

Adult tench and fat slowly drags the float under water, then comes a break of up to three minutes, then the fish tries to pull sideways or inwards. It is a signal to strike. At the time when the float is immersed in water or standing, swaying, to strike can not, Lin will be gone.
Once on the hook, Lin actively resists that surprising speed from such a big chap not normally expect.
There are times when Lin becomes the “candle”, that is, nose in the mud, and the tail upwards. The fisherman remains patiently to wait, when the fish will be tired to stand. After this exercise, Lin will try to run off into the grass.
Fishing for tench in spring video

Fishing for tench in the spring open a little warmed water. At this time in the seaweed near the shore Lin fed and happy offered him food in the form of a worm.
The fishermen have their own considerations, where and how to place the bait: some sink to the bottom, others do not lead to bottom 30 inches, especially if the bottom is muddy.
Baits to catch tench

Catchability bait is a dry cottage cheese and pieces of worms. At desire it is possible to hire fishing for the tench cake, porridge, steamed grain.
Do not waste time with vegetable baits, tench will have to wait, most likely, red worms or other bait animal.
The tench is better to prepare two fishing rods, each tie on one hook.

The fishing time is considered early morning, although the line can bite and in the evening.
Despite the presence of mucus on the body, the meat of tench, this does not lose the taste quality, I must admit that it is very tasty, although frying have to use spices to mask the smell of Tina.
The Lin is not in the water bodies of enemies, because it makes all the same slime, carnivorous fish do not prey on him.

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