Fishermen going fishing in the winter, you should always remember that the ice is not safe. It may break and you will find yourself under the ice in the water. If you know how to swim – so you might not be saved, because in the winter you will have a lot of bulky clothes hinder the movements that will not just get out of the water. That is why you need to follow safety rules on the ice.
The first ice
At first the ice should not rush to exit. Ice from the shore and towards the middle. Pergolide especially dangerous near the shore. On the steep Bank of ice will be very thin. It will be safe only when it reaches thickness of more than 5 centimeters.
First ice is dark in color and thin snow cover. The ice is smooth and without pillows. Be careful in the snowy areas because it can not assess the situation.
In the confluence of streams, springs, ground ice formed gullies that need to be avoided.
Especially dangerous places
Polynyas are particularly dangerous, but they often can notice. If you notice dark spots, covered with snow, it is probably a polynya.
No less dangerous areas with fast currents, springs, lots of vegetation on the surface, the output of the wastewater disposal site snow.
No less dangerous covered lane. If you do on the ice, lane, place a warning sign, so you can protect others.
The last ice
When the warm weather more than three days durability of ice will fall to¼. Ice greenish or bluish color – it’s durable and reliable ice. The maximum solid ice in clean and deep. During thaw, the ice becomes opaque and whitish or yellowish hue, is not durable, loose ice.
The Icepick
The strength of ice you need to check. You can use the a successfully. If ice withstood the blow of not successfully, then you can handle it. You need to go slowly, constantly hitting the a successfully. If the ice pick struck the ice, then stop and go no further, it’s dangerous. To check the strength of the kick is not worth it, you risk to fail.
Basic safety rules on the ice
On thin ice: do Not move sharply, slowly lifting your legs, move in the direction of a safe place.
If you hear crackling, you need to lie on his stomach and crawling to move to a safe place or to the shore.
Fishing winter is the best time to leave the company. Far from each other is not advised, so can not manage to help his friend.
Do not take a heavy load on the ice and not go into dangerous places and transport.
Do not drill many holes.
Spirits on ice is forbidden to eat, because drunk you will not be able to correctly assess the situation and react.
On the last ice, there is a danger of separation of the ice. With the torn off ice floe can not jump or jump on it, it will just turn over.
What to do if you fell through the ice
For a start it is halting panic that spends a lot of effort. In the water should occupy a horizontal position, widely to stretch hands and to crawl on stronger ice. Try to put your feet up on the ice and slightly to crawl away. If not, then you can throw your shoes and try again.
Getting out of the hole, go down the same path by which came, it is a proven safe way.
If you fell in the river with the current, then you need to get out of the area, where is the current of the river.
First aid
Fell through the ice must be protected from wind, preferably in the car or a heated room.
Soaked clothing should be removed and the squeeze. The locations that are most frozen to grind with your hands or a dry cloth. You can make a fire and warm up.
If the person loses consciousness, you need to RUB it with alcohol, but not pure alcohol.
Hot drinks, to drink vodka is not necessary, it will only worsen the condition.
First you need a strong rope that can withstand your weight.
Pick is a special equipment that you can buy in the store or make yourself. They look like two handles connected to each other and to the pins. Hang them on the neck. If you fell through the ice they can easily throw off the neck and pins to hold the ice.
Also protects you and special clothing. It should be light and moisture resistant. Such clothing is made from fabric, which in case of contact with water will not sink and will keep you afloat.
On the ice you can get around on skis, they will reduce the pressure on the ice than will protect your movement.
Subject to the basic rules of safety on the ice to avoid accidents and to make fishing pleasant.