Подводная камера для рыбалки зимой - Рыболовная база Завидово

Подводная камера для рыбалки зимой

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

подводная зимняя камера

The last time many fishermen are not limited to fishing using fish finders and depth gauges. Modern fishermen buy an underwater camera to observe the behavior of fish near the bait, the bait and if there is even the fish. Thanks to the camera you can get a clear view of everything happening in the hole. In addition to the camera you can see interesting moments of life of the underwater world.
Underwater camera for fishing in the winter

The camera itself is a monitor in a sealed enclosure and backlight. Attached to the camera waterproof cable, which allows to lower it to the desired depth. Cable length is approximately equal to 25 meters, which allows you to omit it in great depth. The camera work is provided by the battery. Temperature camera mode from 60 to 20 degrees.

The image can be as black – and-white or colored, all depends on the manufacturer and the model type.

The weight of the camera is not very big, which makes it easy to use it for a long time. This camera doesn’t occupy much space in your gear. With its help you can easily assess the situation in the hole, the bottom topography, the presence of fish. With Fishfinder and depth gauge it will be very effective. Some cameras allow you to record the process of fishing. So, you will be able to capture the bite of the fish and make a nice video clip that you can brag to your friends.
Possible winter underwater camera

Often camera features depend on the environment. The best visibility will be in clean water. Most often, the visibility of the camera is 4 meters, but in the winter you need to consider the amount of snow on the ice. When a large amount of snow the perception of the camera will be much lower.

With the camera you can improve your game bait, checking, all of you are doing the right thing. With the camera you are unlikely to remain without a catch. Of course the unpredictability of the bite lost, but it will much improve catch. So you won’t lose all day on this hole, which is no fish. You will not be able to throw the lure, which she’s not responding.
Which camera to choose?

Please note the following points:

Sensitivity. The better the sensitivity of the winter underwater camera, the better.
Backlight. It is best to have it as it increases the visibility, but at the same time it can scare away skittish fish.
Waterproofing of the box the camcorder. The bigger the depth, the greater must be the waterproofing.
The angle. What it is, the worse the picture quality. So the angle was a large best Boxing with 2 cameras.
The screen size and the ability to enlarge the image.
Quality. Pay attention to the strength of the box, cable. You have to be sure that you will be able to pull out the camera from the hole. To test the camera in the bathroom at home, testing it for possible defects.

Self-Assembly of the camera

Some skilled fishermen collect cameras for underwater fishing. Collect it from a conventional camera and a hermetically sealed housing for filming underwater. It inserts a camera attached to the rod. With the help of its extension is connected to the laptop or player through which to observe the process. An important element of this device is the waterproofing or else you will ruin all the work.

With a camera, your fishing trip will be unforgettable and will bring a good 100% catch. To test the camera, you can Zavidovo fishing on lake Balkhash.

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