For perch jigs are often used. Varieties of jigs very much, they are different shape, colors and sizes. Choose the appropriate lure is no easy task. But for the choice there are certain criteria that must be met by all the coachmen.
Common features of jigs
They can be heavy or light. Heavy mormyshka need for cautious fish and using small lures. For the manufacture of the jig with your hands using heavy metal alloys. But this material has a special drawback that it is treated badly. The edge of the jig will not work to make a smooth and the hooking or fighting the fish, they can damage fishing line. To get rid of this disadvantage – need to use the hole to insert the cut radioitalia.
Easy jig is used for a delicate game. It is made of plastic and elastic nylon. Diameter 1.5 – 2 mm, weight from 0.1 to 35 grams. For lighter jigs you can use tungsten.
The shape of the lure
When searching for food the fish rely on hearing, smell and touch. Good bait will simulate the feed and attract the fish. Form does not matter, the fish no matter what the bait, the main thing is to mimic the behavior of the lure. The game depends on the jig because of the shape, therefore to the particular form needs its own game.
Need to know what form is inherent in any game. The bite occurs mainly near the bottom. The behavior of the jig depends on the shape:
Flattened top and bottom jig will raise turbidity, and play near the bottom.
In the form of pellets jig will create fountains of turbidity when hitting the bottom.
Flat jig will form a cloud of turbidity and slightly to disperse them.
Jig ant when the game does not shy away vertically, but the hooks will be rejected right and left.
The devil or the barrel is invisible in the game will bury the hook into the silt. The vertical motion will deviate slightly to the side.
Cone-shaped jig when you touch down will be included in the upper layers of the sludge. On the surface there will be only a hook with a bloodworm, which is free to fish to bite.
A drop or osinka create light fluctuations in the water column. Such jigs are invisible in gluhozime and bring the best result.
Fish can distinguish colors. Some species of fish even distinguish more shades of colors than people. They are able to see the color of the lure even in the dark and is a scientifically proven fact.
From this we can conclude that catchability mormyshkas color needs to remind food. Many fishermen are using red lures, because the fish prefers to feed on bloodworms.
Often the fish are biting on jigs in dark colors as the same color are crustaceans, leeches and different bugs. Fry Golden or silver colors are also not uncommon. For fish that preys on the fry, is a very effective jig reminiscent of the color of the fry.
For fish feeding on algae will be effective jig green color.
An important element of the jig is the hook. It needs to be well soldered for reliable hooking, so will decrease the probability of a descent of fish. It is recommended to use single hook.
Only use good hooks. A good hook is bent only by a strong effort. Test the hook by putting it in the lead bar, before that it needs to try to straighten, holding the fore-end. If sting will return to its original position, it properly. Tip must be very sharp to ensure a secure cutting.
The lure for carp with their hands
It feeds on carp as roach or perch. The lure for all types of this fish are the same or very similar. For carp the lure with your hands is made quite simple.
You will need the following materials:
Hooks № 12 – 14
Soldering iron
A piece of rubber
Otoplasty plate
Thin pin
Oil or fat
For production you need:
Pick up the hook and zaludit them with acid and a soldering iron.
The rubber piece cut a slit and lock it in the hook.
Fotofestival on the edge of the plate need to drill a shallow hole the size of the jig.
Install the hook so that the ear was in the hole of the plate.
Will rascality soldering iron and shake off the solder in the hole with the hook.
After this you need to pierce with a safety pin hot solder. Due to the hardened solder, you need to remove the pin, turning to the side.
Hook-attach a piece of silicone.
Jig cat eyes with their hands
You will need:
A hook with a fore end
Lead sheets
The bead or piece of silicone
How to make:
Cut a piece of lead. Its size should be slightly smaller than the forearm of the hook.
Fold the lead in half and crimp it. The cut put the hook and secure it with glue.
Cut the silicone and slip it on the needle.
Rotate the needle with silicone over the fire to light it up.
Slip the bead onto the hook. Instead of a ball is quite suitable bead.
Jig with their hands will bring you a great catch and will cost you much cheaper than store-bought counterpart.
To try to catch carp, roach or perch, you can Zavidovo fishing.