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One of the oldest aquatic creatures is jellyfish. Jellyfish is a creature that belongs to the plankton. Why? Because, even in substantial amounts (more than meters and weighing several tons) can withstand water flows. This is due to the structure of the body of Medusa, which consists of 98% water.
Appearance and features jellyfish

It looks like an umbrella with tentacles. The structure of the body of Medusa allows it to move quickly, shortening the muscles of the walls of the bell.

All jellyfish share the same biology and physiology. Distinguish them only by the symmetry of the bodies.

Jellyfish have no bones, so once on land she loses the ability to move. In addition, because of its water consistency it dries quickly in the sun. By itself, the jellyfish like jelly.

Medusa grows from 2 millimeters to 2.5 meters. The eyes of Medusa are not available, but it has a kind of bodies on the edge of the umbrella. These bodies allow the Medusa to determine the time of day and their location.

In the water the jellyfish is almost invisible. This serves as camouflage from predators. In addition, in terms of protection from jellyfish have venom, which it allocates from the tentacles. The venom can cause just a burn or cause death.

In warm waters the jellyfish, bright colors, and in the cold it has a white color.

Live jellyfish in almost all the seas and oceans, sometimes even in the salty seas. Distinguish the types of jellyfish at the place of residence. Jellyfish living in one region cannot move into another. Each reservoir has its own kind of jellyfish, which are not found in other bodies of water.
For the seas and oceans of jellyfish are divided into several types:

Cold-water and warm-water species;
Deep water and shallow.

But even shallow jellyfish night sinks to the bottom looking for food. Jellyfish are passive inhabitants of the seas and oceans. They do not like do not interact with each other.

Medusa consists of several parts connected by an adhesive substance. The fabric of each part of the jellyfish is responsible for its abilities.

The outer part of the jellyfish responsible for its movement and the renewal of nature.

Inside Medusa has the body for digestion, which resembles a bag.

At the bottom she is his mouth.

All the different jellyfish tentacles, they differ not only in appearance but also in length and thickness.
The power of Medusa

Medusa refers to the group of predators that grab their prey, and then eat it. She eats small fish, spawn and fry of fish, smaller jellyfish and zooplankton. The more jellyfish, the more food it can swallow whole.

Medusa lives about 3 years but sometimes it lives for more than a month. Jellyfish are dangerous to humans, sometimes even dead jellyfish can have a negative impact on the body. Their venom can cause seizures or affect the nervous system or even the heart.

We have in the lakes jellyfish are not found, but be aware of the precautionary measures at rest on the sea or ocean if there is jellyfish.

And here you can catch a big catfish or snakehead, as well as have a great time hunting particularly large, trophy fish.

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