Ловля судака в апреле - Рыболовная база Завидово

Ловля судака в апреле

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

судак в апреле

In the spring, in April, almost all predatory fish aktiviziruyutsya and begins to show a strong interest in the baits so fish is the walleye. Fishing for walleye in April most often takes place on jig baits. Fishing for walleye in April is often hampered by its location in the pond, he kept as far away from the shore, close to the channel edges and at the entrances of large bays.

But by mid-April, the situation changes dramatically. At this time, every fisherman who loves the hunt for the perch, I’ll be able to catch the coveted trophy. At this time the pre-spawning pike starts running and by mid-month at the pike perch starts biting, he begins to actively move around the pond in search of food. He leaves with a deep, distant from the shore areas, and begins searching for food in the coastal zone. This time the most, for fisherman angler.
Search perch

Most often, the walleye runs on the same route from year to year. Exactly where at this time there is perch to be the most promising fishing spot. Fishing for walleye in April depends on the correct choice of fishing. The reference point of the beginning of the walleye not only calendar, but also many other indirect signs, such as water temperature. April is a pretty warm month and when the water is 8 degrees, you can start to catch walleye.

Determining the temperature of the water in which the perch becomes active, you need to determine the route Zander flock spawning. To search for the right place must adhere to the following tips.

Look for areas with slow current and considerable depth near the shore, preferably closest to the shore. Such places are most often found on the turn or river at the entrance to the Bay, and with a pronounced change in the shoreline.

Fishing for walleye in April, the most successful if you throw the bait in place with a strong brow. Walleye are not interested in smooth bottom and in a place to count on serious catch not worth it.

Optimal depth of Shing in the shery of walleye is 3 – 7 meters. Plus are drop offs, snags and branches in the water, but within reasonable limits.

In April, catch walleye on a jig. The tackle used for this type of bait.

The upper limit of the test on the rod is 28 – 30 grams. Long fishing rod to 2.7 meters, although your preferences may be different, there are certain numbers there. Successful walleye fishing depends largely on the quality of the cord depends on the distance casting tackle, the number of possible bites, the quality of the wiring lures and many other factors. Optimal network diameter between 0.12 and 0.19 mm.

Choosing bait for walleye fishing in April, you need to consider some of the nuances of fishing. Spring bait should be compact, so as to make the correct casting and quality wiring for. Zander prefer ash borer prey, so you need to catch on small lures, the type of a shad – 5-6 cm or Twister not more than 8 cm.

Wiring is ordinary, no different from other Postings on walleye. Important in transaction to attract and to force the pike to attack the bait.

What is interesting about fishing for walleye in April? At this time you can catch trophy walleye weighing up to 5 kg At this time a small perch is not going to spawn, and large are most active.

In April, the fish are spawning, so catch walleye during the spawning season it is necessary to let go so he could safely spawn.

Great fishing in April is waiting for you at Zavidovo fishing.

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