Fishing for roach in the winter is not as easy as in the warmer time of year, but even in this time of year, you can catch a lot of fish. How to catch roach in winter, where to find it and what bait to use? Let’s look further.
When catching
When catching roach in winter? Fishing for roach in the winter starts with the first ice. When the ice is only covered with ice, roach would start to look for food. She is looking for food of animal origin, as vegetable food in the pond is gradually disappearing.
In good weather conditions you can expect a steady bite throughout the winter. The bite will change for the worse only when a significant deterioration in the weather and strong winds.
In winter the roach is more capricious. Roach may lose appetite, but she continues to move around the pond. At this time, it may fail to attract even the most attractive bait. More important is to find the location of the roach, eat the right bait. Finding a place where there is a pack of roaches, you can get a couple of dozen fish.
In the Sunny and warm days activity of roach can grow. In those days, roach goes in the migration across the lake. In summer and winter roach remains sensitive to weather conditions.
Roach can bite the whole day from lunch to night. There are periods backlava when she’s not biting for days. This is due to the change of pressure and changing weather conditions.
Where to catch roach
Search roach it is not easy. Certain Parking lots roaches there. Doesn’t matter for her and the depth of the reservoir, it can be found at different times at different depths. Very difficult to find a roach on warm days, when roach starts to walk on the water. At this time you need to wait for the roaches come to the bait. When a gaggle of roaches for your bait you need to try as much as possible to keep her on the place of fishing.
Having found a shoal of roach you can catch her all day. A gaggle of roach can take the bait, lowered into the water close to the fish.
Where it is looking for most often?
At the beginning of winter looking for in the bays, oxbows and sloughs;
In areas where no for or where it slowed;
In places with the remnants of vegetation;
At a depth of not more than 4 m. the Optimal depth catching roach in winter 1.5 – 2 meters.
In places the boundaries of the flow.
If you catch a roach in the past year, you can try to catch it at the same place this year. Most often it is brings good result.
To catch a roach
Fishing for roach in the winter involves the use of baits. You can use both ready-made bait and made by hand. Most often it is cereal, crackers and bread. To achieve greater effect, it is best to use a fragrant additive in the form of honey, butter or coriander.
Use the following bait:
The larva of the moth;
Caddis worm;
The worm;
The most popular bait is bloodworms. Bloodworms can be called universal winter a nozzle which can be used for any fish. Not bad shows itself, and maggot. Other nozzles are caught rarely, but they can also show good results.
Perfectly shows itself, and dung worm when fishing for roach. Used baitless bait, but also lures with the use of nozzles in the form of bloodworms. They are most often used jigs in black and dark green colors. Well proven mormyshkas of brass, copper and lead. Hooks often end sleeves wear yellow, red and blue.
The shape of the lure is most often used in the form of droplets, goat, ant and kolikoobraznae.
Fishing for roach in the winter most often occurs in celkovou bait. Nod need sensitive and at the same time elastic. Roach likes a smooth game, but does not like sudden jumps and vibrations. A nod needs to help hook in the fish, hooking the fish with a soft nod will be difficult.
Very popular float fishing rods. A sensitive float is selected. More clearly shows the lure that does not lie on the bottom, and inches away from him. You can use a couple of hooks and one of them put on the bottom and put the other just above.
Complementary feeding roach
Bait important in the winter as well as summer. How to prepare the bait you can read here. How to catch roach on the latest ice you can read here. To catch a roach, you can Zavidovo fishing.