Ловля окуня на спиннинг летом - Рыболовная база Завидово

Ловля окуня на спиннинг летом

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

окунь на спиннинг летом

Perch fishing on spinning in the summer is quite popular and interesting. But to catch perch you need to know some of its features and to choose the right spinning.
Bass habits and habitat

Rapid and greedy predator can catch bait at any depth and in any current. He can pursue it from the bottom to the surface. There are times when he even jumps out of the water to catch the desired delicacy.
However, the perch fishing should not be reduced to a simple expectation of a bite in the same place. Fishing for bass is a constant search, so-called probing likely places of presence “striped hooligans”. Relatively large perch, usually goes in flocks large and usually hunts alone. Flocks may migrate in search of fry and other prey, and predator is likely to hide in seaweed or in snags.

Perch not too shy, so to think that if you fished one fish from the pack, you’ll scare away all the others. A large specimen, even if off the hook, in half of the cases will go back to the place chosen by her for hunting.
How to choose a spinning

For perch spinning need elegant and easy rod. To catch in the shallow areas need rod 2 m long test and a lure to 5 grams. If you increase the load you need to get spinning with the test up to 7 grams. This rod is nice to fish with lures at the depth of 2 meters.

Larger species of bass caught when fishing at a depth of 2.5 meters . When fishing in such conditions are best suited the rod with a test of between 3.5 and 10 grams. Spinning needs to be tough and powerful.

When fishing a jig you need a fishing rod with a test of 40 grams.
Bait for perch

Classic baits for perch are considered to be oscillating and rotating spinner. Best perch reacts to white and yellow or a spinner with fluorescent stripes.

Rotating blesny for catching on small depths will fit the spinner size 00-2. When fishing at depths greater than 2 meters with a step transaction will require predpolojeniya model sizes 2 – 4. Good the spinner operates at the minimum speed of the transaction.

The best bait for perch is a Wobbler. To select perches of the crank is necessary to pay attention to its size and depth. While in the ponds there was no grass, you can use the deep model. The most effective fishing floating lure more deep dives than the depth of the shery. In summer you can catch on poppers and walkers. The wiring is carried out by jerks and pauses, the bass will attack the bait when you stop reeling.
Silicone bait

These lures are widely used for perch fishing. Summer caught in a Twister or vibrohvost and wiring perform evenly. In the autumn of the preferred jig fishing. At this time, a sinker is selected depending on the strength of the flow and depth in the point of fishing. Silicone bait needs to be small in size and different colors. Some lures attract bass, and some annoying, forcing him to attack.
The fishing place

Bass are a schooling fish. Perch lives in large shoals with the presence of vegetation. When the perch is hunting for fry at the surface of the water shows how water boils, which sometimes can jump out of the fry. In rivers perch can stand behind the rapids in the whirlpool.

The largest individuals inhabit the depth of the shoal they only come out in the evenings or the mornings. In the autumn of perch goes into deep pits that are away from the shore. The larger the bass, the deeper it swims.
Fishing techniques

For perch use a variety of methods of transaction. The most common uniform and stepped.

Uniform wiring used for fishing with spoons, turntables, wobblers and silicone bait. Most well this lure works in the spring or summer and when fishing at shallow depth.
Speed posting

This type of wiring is used in the fall when fly fishing at a depth of 2.5 meters. Speed posting play just overloaded with fans, kolebalki and jig lures. The most important thing is to choose the time ratio of the fall and flight of the lure.

Pause when posting is from 1 to 8 seconds. When you touch the bait to the bottom we need to continue the rotation of the coil.

Perch fishing on spinning in the summer will perfectly show itself at Zavidovo fishing

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