Fishing with spinning in the early spring
Spring frosts cease, the day getting warmer and longer, the sun warms harder. All this positively influences the behavior of the fish after wintering period starts and when spinning and early in the spring becomes the most effective.
Fish wakes up from sleep, and with aktiviziruyutsya fish and fishermen want to quickly go fishing on the big water. Early spring fishing come immediately, as the pond is free of ice.
Tackle for fishing in early spring on spinning
Start fishing with small rivers, where the ice melts first. These are the most suitable places for fishing on spinning early spring, as the fisherman will not require long casts, it will be important only precision. Will fit rods with medium fast action and length up to 3 meters. In early spring the fish was not fully recovered from the winter cold, so strong resistance can not be expected, even when fishing for trophy specimens. For fishing in early spring, in connection with the weakening of the fish, the batter will fit from 5 – 40 grams.
Fishing line and reel
The coil it is advisable to purchase a series of at least 3,000. Take fishing line mono or braid with a diameter of 0,2 – 0,28 mm. the Leash is flexible from 20 – 30 cm in length. Look for a prospective place have throughout the pond, and so the outfit will have to choose the most easy and convenient, not to interfere when you search for fishing locations.
The place of fishing on spinning
Fishing with spinning in the early spring takes place at the following factors:
The most active fish in Sunny and windless days, taking into account, if in the previous days there was no precipitation. Rains increase water level, do not be scared, but muddy water, which worsens the bite. Why muddy water is bad? Early spring fish are looking for places with clear water to get enough oxygen. Promising become the confluence in the reservoir of the rivers, streams, melt water and exits from the lakes.
We should seek to sh in cascades and waterfalls, in these places the water is fully saturated with oxygen. As well as show locations of displacement water. Determine the prospective areas to catch the circles on the water, they say that in these places walks Malek and near places always accumulates predatory fish in search of prey.
Trophy fish do not come into shallow waters, but still stay close to the shore, at a distance of 10 – 15 meters from the shore.
Choice of bait depends on what kind of fish you are going to hunt. For example, pike attracting spoon walleye – foam, perch and Bursch Twister and vibrohvost, other predators such as Chub and IDE are not away from the wobblers.
Baubles often use rotating, with bright color and luster and good sound effect when you post. Body spoon also give good results.
The types of transactions
Fishing on spinning early spring may be different wiring options, but they should be slow and calm, with absolute stops as tired of the winter cold, the fish not willing to chase bait.
Quick wiring
This posting is not just interested in fish, but on the contrary, will scare her. In addition, in the spring, increased chance to pick up floating in the pond debris.
When fishing on jig heads use head sizes up to 10 grams and above, if fishing is conducted at a greater depth, the same applies to silicone. If you catch a Twister, the range of its tail should be large, the more the better.
Summer active transaction as quick and often guaranteed to flop. Performed most often in the bait slowly and smoothly, sometimes with small steps. Promising waters should be sh with the use of edible silicone, but you should find out which flavor at the moment attracts the fish.
Lures in early spring, the predator does not pay attention, but if you want to hunt for an IDE or Chub, the Wobbler goes to the Ura. Best lures type minnow, a calm behavior in the water. Make the transaction smooth and completely stopping the lure after a certain period.
In to the spawning period to catch a predator on spinning on virtually any boxed lure. Fishing with spinning in the early spring will bring excellent results when fishing in Zavidovo fishing.