Ловля линя зимой - Рыболовная база Завидово

Ловля линя зимой

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ловля линя зимой

Fishing for tench in winter

Winter Lin is in hibernation, as other heat-loving fish such carp. But in a certain period of winter Lin wakes up and begins to feed actively. Sometimes, he gets the hook by accident, but targeted fishing you need to carefully prepare for fishing. It is necessary not only to prepare the bait, but to choose the right bait and to learn more about the reservoir, in which tench feeds.
Feature of the behavior of Lin

Although Lin and refers to Karpov, it has particular differences from their relatives. His body looks awkward, but Lin is quite agile, fast and strong.

Among the Lin there are also quite a large specimen of 7 kg with a body length up to 70 cm.

It still looks in proportion, since a large chunky body and a short tail. Scales small, skin tight. The fins are rounded and do not have a special colour.

The color of the fish depends on the pond in which he lives. Affects the type of soil, light, vegetation type, and food. The back often has a dark green color, while the sides are greenish-olive tinge. Clean water is mostly inhabited by individuals with a yellowish tint.

Lin has a lot in common carp. It is common is much smaller than carp. Found in the basins of rivers such seas as the Black, Baltic and Azov. Increases its population in the southern regions, as it is very thermophilic. Not found in the North.

Look for the river Lin, a difficult and even hopeless. Fish can come into the mainstream, but for a long time there it is not delayed. It hibernates in the waters of oxbow lakes.

The main criterion for the choice of the place to search for Lin’s rich vegetation in the pond. Here she will shelter and feed.

In remote lakes he feels quite comfortable. Able to survive in water with low oxygen content. Particularly good tench caught in these lakes in the winter.
Fishing for tench in winter

Ice-fishing is very different from summer fishing. Sometimes in the winter you can stumble on Lin more active than in the summer. Size winter Lin may surprise you. Advantages of winter fishing is the simplicity of equipment and a simple process of fishing.

On line greatly affected by the weather. Feeding it in calm, Sunny days. In gluhozime to catch the Lin will not work, he will bury into the mud and hibernate. On the first and last ice, it is possible to try to find. With the onset of spring Lin leaves the nest and starts looking for food. In winter he eats the following lures:


The larvae of different insects




In the bottom of the tench grows to different sizes. But expect to fry weighing 1 – 2 pounds is always possible. Sometimes individuals are caught up to 5 pounds.
Tactics for catching

Pre-examining the pond need to find where they left of last year’s vegetation. Here it will be to hide Lin. To search for Lin need to drill a dozen holes. Holes in the ice made in the form of a semicircle. Distance between holes not less than a meter. You can use up to 7 fishing rods of winter.

Marmeladnyy caught on conventional tackle. The line diameter should match the size of the prey. At the end of the thread is tied to the jig or hook with a lead sinker. As a signaling device, you can use the nod. The catch with such gear can be identified at a distance of 3-5 m. If the angler is fishing with a couple fishing rods, then you can do a float. But with a lot of rods, I might.

As bait the most promising will be worm and bloodworm. It is desirable to use a larvae red. Worm mesh the worm. Catching a tench from the bottom, Lin rises from the ground in winter. The rods are set so that the nod was clearly visible. A jig can be played at the bottom, thereby examining the drilled holes.

Fishing for tench in the winter is not distinguished by special difficulties or intricacies. It depends on the fauna of the pond. If you are lucky, you can find active line, you can enjoy fishing.

Try your luck in the search of tench in the winter, you can Zavidovo fishing.

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