Ловля карася весной 2017 - Рыболовная база Завидово

Ловля карася весной 2017

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Ловля карася весной 2017

When water is in the spring already quite warm, and it’s up to about 8 degrees, most often by the end of April and early may, you can begin to successfully pull carp. Fishing for carp in the spring of 2017 will bring you a great catch and a lot of pleasant experiences.

Spring carp departs from its winter hibernation and begins to walk around the pond in search of food and warm places. In the early wakes of small Karasik, then a large carp. Early spring carp moves a lot, looking for food and a cozy, warm place.

Although the water is quite warm already, but there is a lack of food, carp will not climb the hook. You need to choose the right time for the early fishing suit fishing for carp in the spring of 2017 in the morning at sunrise or the time just before sunset. The most productive fishing for carp before spawning.

Carp become more active and will bite on any bait. But when the grass starts to turn green and the warm weather will be a constant, biting carp will once again be more sluggish or stop altogether.
The choice of location

It is best to catch carp in the shallows or on the banks of ponds. After a winter carp is trying to get away in the reeds. But not immediately. First, he will dwell in shallow waters, where the water is already heated and there are remnants of last year’s organic matter.

Ideal for catching carp in the spring of 2017 is standing water with a depth of one meter. Carp excellent bite in areas with submerged logs, snags, branches, anywhere there is shadow. In places with areas of narrow bays in snags loves to stand big fish.

About the presence of carp can be judged by the presence of bubbles on the surface. Karas leads a sedentary life and the places where he lived during the summer, he will live and spring.
The lure

Lure carp on pre-cleaned areas. It is better to mix solid foods with water from the same pond and with his soil. The bait must be attractive color and smell. Differences in colour of the soil in the bait can alert the fish. From the smell of the best suited mixture of breadcrumbs, sunflower seeds, semolina, vanilla, cinnamon and cookies.

As bait is most commonly used bloodworm and maggot.

Universal rod is the rod length from 3 to 5 meters. Preferably the plug. Fishing for carp is an easy snap. Fishing line is chosen not too thick, so as not to attract the attention of carp. The normal size of a scaffold is 0,14 – 0,16 mm and strength up to 3 kg.

The length of the leash is adjustable so that the bait lay on the bottom as the carp in early spring are more attracted to slow-moving bait. Float select light – up to 1 gram. The float and sinker should be well balanced. Hooks used light and small, especially if the bait will use bloodworms.

Catch carp more often on light feeder, but I caught carp and the flight feathers are the bait.
Fishing for carp in the spring of 2017 at the feeder

The most convenient feeder for carp in the spring. The feeder can be called one of the varieties of bottom gear. Unlike feeder – a feeder which draws fish straight to the hook and the bait.

The trough is selected to blend with the presence of animal components in the form of bloodworms. Bait similar to the following – 70% of breadcrumbs , 10 % cookie, 20% of bloodworms. In the form of fragrance selected sweet smell or dried Daphnia.

If when casting bait and hitting the bottom bait out of the feeder, while not broken up into pieces, it will be as well. If it did not happen, then jerk the rod should release the lure of the trough. As bait on a hook put on the moth or worm, sometimes maggots.
The fish

Carp are quite active in the strike. You should not give him the opportunity to make unnecessary movements. For every jerk need to respond by tightening. When the carp will appear on the surface, it will not resist and you will only need to start landing.

To catch a big crucian at any time of the year at Zavidovo fishing.

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