For any winter a long-awaited and favorite sometimes is the last ice. After a long backlog of gluhozime under the warm rays of the sun and fresh growth of oxygen the fish starts to perk up. Bream on the last ice, like other fish getting active. He begins to move around the pond looking for food.
The choice of location
This is an important point in catching bream. At this time, the bream is on the parts of the reservoir with an abundance of food and the arrival of fresh water with fresh oxygen. Looking for bream on the last ice in mouths of rivers and streams, near springs or springs and flowing creeks and backwaters places with uneven bottom.
Bream in the last ice caught on mormyshku tackle. Spinning take the type of balalaika and equip up to 10 meters of fishing line, fishing line take thin and durable with a cross section of 0.1 – 0.12 mm. Float bring delicate and elastic, the lure of medium size.
Thick and easily visible line should not be used. Bream at this time cautious and timid. It requires a scaffold not thicker than 0,15 mm. Bream has a very active and strong resistance, but if it is carefully to draw out, to pull you can with a thin line.
Thick lines will lower the sensitivity of the equipment and reduces the number of bites, but when you catch a big instance you will have more chances to pull him from the hole.
Used jigs of various types. To determine which lure is now the preferred bream, it is possible only by experiments. Most often, the bream takes the lure, type: pellet, drop, ant, uralka. At great depths, use larger and more heavy jig. Clear weather choose silver jigs and fishing in cloudy weather Golden coachmen.
The most common is the nozzle in the form of large bloodworms. You can try to impose a bunch of worms, thistles or maggots.
To fishing was active, you need to keep in place fishing for bream. Feed small portions so as not to saturate the fish, otherwise it will not interest even the most attractive bait. With shallow depth and lack of currents, you can throw in the hole maggots and bloodworms. If fishing a 5 meters depth, you will need a feeder. The bait add to the middle layer, otherwise you’ll scare incredulous bream.
It is also important to properly and correctly prepare the bait mixture. For bait you will need bloodworms, but not much, otherwise it will attract small fish. They need to mix with milk powder (100 grams), meal 200 grams and 400 grams of bread crumbs. Will add to the attractiveness of vanilla, honey, roasted sunflower seeds, the attenuator should be added in small portions.
Techniques for catching bream on the last ice jig
The principle of catching the following:
The lure with the bait slowly sinks to the bottom and lies there for a while.
Slowly and with small fluctuations it up every 20 – 30 cm do the pause.
After a couple pauses again mormyshka sinks to the bottom.
If the bite was not, then you should knock the jig along the bottom and up to about 5 centimetres above the bottom.
To try to catch bream on the last ice, you can Zavidovo fishing.