In April in the waters the fish is actively feeding and moving, which is undoubtedly waiting for every fisherman. The fish starts to come to the surface of the water to get some oxygen after the lack of it after the winter. Most fish starts spawning period and they are looking for a secluded place for laying eggs and growing fry.
In April, the spawn is pike, carp, roach, carp, perch, sturgeon and sterlet. Pike tend not to change their usual habitat in the pond, so it’s caught at the same place where last year. Pike staying close to the coastal zone, about herbs, where to find small fish.
In April, it is best to catch pike on the imitation fish with the fry, which should be constantly in motion. It’s also nice pecks pike trolling. Caught on spinning. As bait is used, the gudgeon, perch, roach and small fish, which grew not more than 10 cm Catch pike right after ice drift. Pike like bright and warm water. The most productive pike fishing by Gerlich in the early morning. Day on the imitation fish pike are not biting. There’s a chance to catch a pike on the imitation fish night. Imitation fish are set at night and in the morning checked on the bite. On a spinning catch pike throughout the day.
Night you can just continue to catch burbot at the shore. When the pike bite is broken – it goes to spawn. At this time, excellent bite pike-perch on depth to 6 metres, morning and evening. Along with the walleye catch-and-bass. After opening the rivers and floods, you can catch burbot on Nightcrawlers on the bottom gear. Catch of burbot, in addition to Nightcrawlers, on a bunch of worms, chicken intestine, and small bait fish.
On small bodies of water quickly, clean from the dregs, catch IDE, Chub, roach, Dace and bream, minnow, worm, bloodworm, caddis and beetle. The fish are biting good on the float and Donk. On the well warmed water bodies in warm weather with the third decade of catching a carp on the red manure worm. By the end of April caught on rod Zander and ASP in a bleak, golovliov, ELCA.
On large reservoirs and rivers fishing begins after the release of the reservoir of ice and deposition of turbidity, often for 10 to 15 days after the start of fishing on the rivers.
By the end of April begins the spawning perch. Pike spawn in the second decade. Ruff starts spawning during the second and third decade. Farther North are the reservoirs, the later it starts the spawning period.
One catch in April?
On the rivers in polmadie began to brighten the water and the water level in the rivers gradually subsides. The day the sun can Shine brightly, and at night it may freeze.
In April starts the fish move to the spawning ground. Fish become less cautious and goes ahead. Turbidity in the river makes the approach clean places near the shore. Almost all the fish readily enters the old channel and tributaries, and small streams. Approaching the spawning period. Looking for food ruff, perch, gudgeon, Chub, gudgeon, Dace.
In the southern reservoirs aktiviziruyutsya thermophilic fish. Biting bleak resumes and at the same time starting to Wake up carp. By the end of the month begins zhor pike spawned. Caught her in the pits below the shoals, sandbanks, quiet stretches and in a muddy shores, shallow bays. Well the fish are biting on soft spinning lure and a spinner and live bait with a float. Pike caught from vegetation. The beetle and the worm with a caddis worm catch of IDE, roach, white bream, white bream, perch, ASP. In April, most often the fish is closer to the places of spawning, and it’s oxbow lakes, streams and bays with vegetation, the banks with bushes and pristavy shallows. Tackle should be as sensitive as the float and a small sinker. As bait use worms, bark beetles, bloodworms, caddis. During this period, feels good burbot. He actively eats, and goes to a depth of steep banks.
After spawning pike starts spawning perch. The water had already subsided and the spawning of perch takes place most often in the floodplain, flooded bushes. Refining the water in the rivers starts spawning Dace and grayling. In Europe it spawns IDE. IDE selects scored clay sediments of rifts, spills and tributaries. After the fall of the water level starts spawning Chub. In stagnant waters and closed water bodies, where not yet come down the ice, continued fishing under the ice float and jig. In active play the jig bite perch, ruff, roach, perch, pike, bream, silver bream. Caught on the float rod using bait, either applied smooth the jig to the bottom.
Night takes burbot. Caught there in the winter. If no ice is used zakidushki and summer imitation fish. After spawning, pike are actively biting, and then takes a short break and goes to a quiet place. It was caught on live bait with donok and Gerlich, but biting at this time weak and unreliable.
In early may, the ponds will be free of ice completely, and the fishing will take place in open water. Caught on a Donk, spinning, float and vprovodku. At this time the spawning Dace, Chub, Podust, IDE and starts the spawning of roach and grayling. Very active roach. It perfectly takes on vprovodku bloodworms and maggots or dung. At a depth of about thickets excellent bite Rudd, bream and Chub. Bream and Rudd are caught on the trout line and use worms, maggots, bloodworms, caddis. The fish are caught by trolling.
Good fishing in April you will be able to Zavidovo fishing.