Spring fishing is the charm, if you catch on the float. Taking into account the prohibition of fishing during the spawning period for most gear and methods of fishing, float fishing is the most popular and legitimate fishing. In the spring the fish is heavily dependent on the weather, so you need to determine how temperature affects fish behavior.
Fish behavior and water temperature
Everyone knows that the nibble fish in the spring and the whole routine of her day depends on the weather and water temperature. Water temperature affects feeding, reproduction, growth and movement of fish. Each species of fish your temperature. Every kind of fish depends on its comfortable temperature, which it is as aktiviziruyutsya, and also, there is a critical temperature in which it dies or falls into hibernation.
The temperature of the water can be everywhere different and differently affect the fish, as it primarily depends on the environmental conditions and chemical status of water. But still it is possible to allocate a certain pattern of behavior of fish in the water.
Crucian carp begins to peck at the temperature of 10 degrees, comfortably beginning to feel in the water from 12 – 25 degrees. At temperatures above 28 – 30 degrees refuses to bite.
Roach – begins to bite at a temperature of 4 degrees, comfortable beginning to feel in the water from 10 – 20 degrees. At temperatures above 25 degrees refuses to bite. Bream starting to bite with slightly larger figures – from 5 degrees warm water.
Bass are starting to bite at a temperature of 4 degrees, comfortable beginning to feel in the water between 5 – 17 degrees. If the temperature is above 21 degrees refuses to bite.
We can say that most species of fish started to bite when water temperature is between 10 degrees and moves to the active feeding at a temperature of 15 degrees. To measure the temperature should not on the surface and the bottom.
Tactics of search of fish in the spring
The nibble fish in the spring, in addition to knowledge about the thermal regime depends on the choice of location. If the surface has water temperatures above 15 degrees, 5 – 10 metres from the shore the water temperature at the bottom will be about 10 degrees, and the fish to feel comfortable, will have to come closer to the shore. At this time, the water in the reservoir is transparent and the fish sees the shore, so a careless fisherman to scare her. Hiding the fresh fish in the reeds, and here you are safe and warm.
The most promising place leva fish in the spring will be a window in vegetation, slow current, clay, sand, stone, gravel or other hard bottom at depths greater than 60 cm – 120 cm. the Fish are attracted to turbidity, which can be raised throwing the lure.
You can watch cane, a cane. If they have fish, it will be clearly traced the movement of stems, spikes, bubbles, and more. In this case you need to lure this place and throw back float.
You will need:
Rod. Best suited easy Bolognese telescopic rod and reel. The telescopic rod can be easily assembled and disassembled without removing the gear that facilitates the process of fishing. The rod length of 5 meters. The float – about 3 grams. Main line – 0.2, leash – 0,16 mm. Hook room 12.
Zadok the net and extractor.
Spare parts of equipment, such as fishing line, hooks, bobber and sinker. Are frequent breaks and hooks, especially when fishing in the reeds, so you’ll have to replace them often.
If you wish the fishing was as comfortable as possible, you need to stand under the rod and polarized glasses.
The right bait will also play a role in the nibble fish in the spring.
Bait and bait
The nibble fish in the spring depends on the type of bait and groundbait. Difficult to bait nothing. You can buy bait in a specialty store, but you can do with your hands how to make the bait with your hands, you can read here. Good show yourself bait of boiled millet with the addition of a feed of bloodworm and chopped worm. The soil is desirable to add from the same pond in which you catch.
For small fish is more suitable bloodworm, maggot or worm. Larger fish are best biting on a pearl barley and semolina mash. But if there are small fish, it is advisable to fish on baits of animal origin.
To try fishing with a float rod in the spring and make sure that the nibble fish in the spring brings pleasant experience and great satisfaction, you can Zavidovo fishing.