Казахстан озеро Балхаш - Рыболовная база Завидово

Казахстан озеро Балхаш

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

Казахстан, озеро Балхаш

Kazakhstan, lake Balkhash is internal – drainage freshwater lake. Located in the South-East of Kazakhstan. Lake Balkhash is the second of perennial lakes (the first Caspian) and is on the 14th place in the list of the largest lakes in the world.

The uniqueness of the lake is that it is separated by a small Strait into two parts, these parts have different chemical types of water features – on the one hand, Western is fresh, on the other hand, the Eastern part is salty.

Kazakhstan, lake Balkhash in length is 614 km, and in width from 3.5 km to 44 km, Maximum depth of 26 meters Balkhash. According to some of the lake exists for more than 35,000 years.

The lake harbors more than 20 species of fish. The Kazakhs called lake Balik as” which means fish-food. Found 120 species of birds and 12 birds included in the Red book. To the vegetable world belongs 60 species of plants, both in water and on land.
The legend of lake Balkhash

Kazakhstan, lake Balkhash is not deprived of legends, here is one of them.

The legend of lake Balkhash is told about a rich magician named Balkhash and his beauty daughter Or. When it was time to give his daughter in marriage, Balkhash announced that his daughter is to marry the rich, strong and beautiful. Arrived the suitors were rich sons of emperors, khans, merchants and one popytalsia the happiness of a shepherd. The shepherd immediately liked the bride. Shepherd won the contest, which was prepared Balkhash suitors, but was ignominiously expelled. At night Or ran away from home with a shepherd from his evil father. Balkhash, learning about the escape, left on lovers spell, and they turned into two rivers. After that, the Balkhash fell between them, not when they are not connected, and then became the gray foam of the waves of the lake.

Kazakhstan, lake Balkhash for the first time this information came from the Chinese. The Chinese could explore the area before the others. According to some Chinese lake Balkhash was known as si-Yu. Now Kazakhstan, lake Balkhash is one of the attractions of the Kazakh people.

The climate of the area is desert. The average temperature in July is +30 degrees in January is -14 degrees. The wind and dry climate leads to rapid evaporation of water. The water temperature in the surface is in the range of 0, and in July to 28 degrees.
Fishing on lake Balkhash

On Balkhash lake, you can get a high quality stay and a lot of positive emotions from fishing for huge catfish or snakehead predatory. We all know that lake Balkhash namely the Delta of the ili river is a large field where without a catch. Such a quality holiday at a good, powerful hardware with professional services you can find on fishing-hunting base Zavidovo.
Video about Kazakhstan, lake Balkhash

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