Как солить треску - Рыболовная база Завидово

Как солить треску

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

как солить треску

Cod – a large marine fish with excellent qualities and many useful substances in meat. Cod, in terms of storage, finicky fish. Therefore, the best option for storing cod – salting it. When salting cod is not the most pleasant smell, but it is useful and nutrients retain their properties. As salt cod? The best option for salting cod – it is winter or autumn catch. During this period, the fish is gaining its fat content, it only improves the taste.
As salt cod delicious?

Recipe Northern Pomor cuisine will help us in this.

We need:

500 grams of cod fillets;
2 tablespoons of salt;
Dried dill 2 tablespoons;
Lava sheet 2-3 pieces, instead of leafs can be used mint;
Vegetable oils;
Black pepper 1 teaspoon;
A little garlic – at your discretion;

Take a little bit frostbitten cod. Fish should be slightly frostbitten for easy slicing it into thin platelets. Fresh fish raspolzetsya under the knife, but frozen will be difficult to cut.
Cut the fillet into thin plate.
Breaking the bay leaves into small pieces.
In a clean, dry glass jar spread layers of plates of cod fillets, each layer fall asleep liberally with salt, pepper, dill and bay leaf.
Each layer of fill cod refined oil.
If you wish, you can add garlic between layers, this will add a unique taste, but it’s an amateur.
When the bank is filled up to the top, place it under the yoke.
The fish is set aside in a cool place for ripening.

Cod will be ready in a day, but the longer it prosolitsya, the tastier it will be.
As salt cod entirely?

First you need to gut, remove the insides, when evisceration film protects the abdominal cavity can not hurt.

Wash the fish do not need, it is better to wipe it with a dry cloth.

Make a cut along the spine and separate the ribs from the spine.

Fish rub with salt and pour the salt cod gills and mouth. Gills and can be removed.

Vylazhivat fish in a bowl and wait until the fish zadubeet, in other words, become stiff and it will be bad bend.

Videos about cutting cod

In Balkhash cod is not usual, but here you can catch a lot of other delicious and big fish. In Balkhash you can catch a lot of bream, bream as the salt you can find here. Here you can try out the winter, trophy and underwater fishing as well as hunting.

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