Губка с опарышами или кормушка? - Рыболовная база Завидово

Губка с опарышами или кормушка?

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

Как использовать губку с опарышем

It all depends on the toppings, and the choice of the right fishing technique.

If you want to succeed with the feeder, you will have to adapt their bait to the situation in the fishery. The contents of the trough should not be too quick to clean up, but not too long to stay in it. Therefore, in reservoirs with stagnant water, the fishermen are caught with a bait of wheat flour, which quickly breaks down and attract fish.
Use of feeders on the river

On the river the situation is more complicated. Because the stronger the current, the smaller should be the bait. At the beginning of fishing it is slightly moistened. Then during the test casts to determine how long the bait stays in the feeder. If it is already after five minutes, emptied the bait to add more water to increase its viscosity and maximum deceleration of the dissolution process.

To the complete erosion bait should remain in the trough for approximately ten minutes. Then the fish will have enough time to find the nozzle on the hook. On the right track, they suggest the smallest feed particles.

If after 30 minutes still no one bites, adjust the consistency of the bait. The same should be done when the fish begin to bite.

After the second fish caught usually fill the feeder with groundbait with reduced density or use fast-decaying food. So, I think, won’t hurt if already at the beginning of the fishing you will prepare two bait mixtures with different strength, which will allow you to better adapt to the bite.

When fishing with the feeder, it is important that the minimum mass of bait attracted the maximum number of fish and held them in place. During four-hour fishing on the river the amount of bait is about 2-3 kg, which is less than the classical method of catching non-predatory fish.

Bait should be of good quality so that fish have not lost interest in her. Good the main bait for the calm and flowing water is a food M 7 firms Mosella. It is suitable for fishing on the river and on calm water the only difference is that on calm water this mixture should be dry.
Sponge instead of a trough

If the fish are biting like crazy, instead of the feeders try to use the sponge with maggots. Given that the fishery does not accumulate a lot of predatory fish, toss a few bait balls manually.

It is: lots of fish and lots of bait. Complete the deal maggots that crawl out of the sponge and bream down to the hook. Put the sponge in a box with maggots and wait for them to crawl into it.

However, water-maggots, for some reason longer come out of the sponge. But this is for the best, because the time before re-filling the sponge can catch more fish. And I suggest option to leave the box with the maggots one or two sponges to replace. The use of short direct plastic tubes Feeclel ‘ -Voos with a swivel-carabiner, which fasten the feeder or sponge with maggots, allows you to quickly replace them.

To avoid overlaps when fishing at long distances, try using Castipgboosh: thanks to the bending of the tube in the lower third, the leash is lifted under the weight of the feeder or sponge.

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