Диета на основе рыбы - Рыболовная база Завидово

Диета на основе рыбы

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

Диета на основе рыбы

Diet based on fish is particularly suitable for those who wish to reduce the number their pounds, but do not feel much hungry. It has a nice menu variety and helps to lose weight without loss of muscle mass.
Such a diet is well tolerated, because a protein that is found in fish, is digested and nourishes the body with elements necessary for proper functioning.

Products of marine origin and fish contain the vitamins, amino acids, protein, trace elements. Fish dishes, properly prepared, have a small amount of calories.
And their number is less than less oily fish is consumed in food. There are varieties of fish that have such high fat content that can easily surpass pork. Fatty herring, mackerel, sturgeon belong to oily varieties. Their caloric content in two or three times higher than the other.
Trout with pink salmon, low-fat herring, perch, carp and mackerel fish have an average fat content. And with low fat content include pike, bream, flounder or Pollock.

On calorie fat first group contains 250 calories, the second medium-chain fatty – 140, and the third, low-fat, has only 100 calories.
Fish helps reduce the risk of heart disease and the formation of cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, reduces the possibility of stroke, boosts immunity and helps brain activity.
Most useful for the organism is considered to be more fatty fish. Of course, you need to take lean fish for weight loss and better prepare it steamed, saute or bake.
Which fish not suitable for diet

It is worth remembering that you want to exclude from the diet, salted, smoked or grilled fish completely because it causes the body to retain fluid. And in the smoked fish may contain harmful carcinogens. Allowable consumption of fish only if it is cold smoked.
During the diet the fish should not eat potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant. Valid combinations of the products with fish this greens, rice, cucumber, carrots, beets, peppers. During the fish diet is allowed to consume eggs for Breakfast, cottage cheese for lunch or dinner.
For cooking you can use spices and lemon juice, but the salt should be abandoned. Fish diet allows for a small variety in the form of red wine to 100 ml.
Fish diet on the basis of Zavidovo

The best time for this diet in the spring or winter. Physical activity must necessarily remain without reduction. The protein contained in fish, for active sports.
After seven days of this diet should not jump immediately to the normal diet. Better within two weeks gradually increase the variety of products. You have a wonderful opportunity to try the fish diet of high quality. Come to our fishing-hunting base Zavidovo for any period of time. With us you can not only eat delicious and fresh fish, but also take part in fishing. Exposure to fresh air, delicious homemade food and socializing with great people will long remain in your memory! Tested!

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