Блесна мепс - Рыболовная база Завидово

Блесна мепс

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

блесна мепс

A little bit about the company Mepps

Mepps Company was founded by a Frenchman named A. Melnar. Before he began to develop baubles Melnar worked for Peugeot engineer. With a deep knowledge of mechanics and with an irresistible love of fishing, he began to make baubles.

Popularity baubles MISP acquired in 1951. Thanks Melnara acquainted with the owner of the sports fishing products Todd Sheldon baubles MISP has become known in the United States.

T. Sheldon met with the spoon in the state of Wisconsin, where all day he caught 4 trout trolling Melnara, while other baubles gave a null result. Sheldon, decided to cash in on the sale of these spinners asked his friend to help him with the delivery. Agreeing with his girlfriend in France, the first deliveries in the United States were organized. But getting huge popularity of this type of delivery have become unreasonable.

Sheldon meets directly with Melnarom and concludes contract with him business. This baubles MISP took the leading place.

Currently baubles made MISP not far from Nice, French Riviera. This company is the only one of its kind, and all of its funds were allocated only for manufacturing spinners.

All companies baubles can be considered works of art, because the company conducts research studies on fish and makes every lure under a separate species of fish and preference.
Classification Mepps spinners

Aglia- jig is rotating with an angle of 60 degrees and an average lobe or slow speed;

Comet- is baubles with rotation angle of 45 degrees and quick petal speed;

Aglialong this spoon-bait petal rotational angle of 30 degrees with the slow speed;

Lusox danyj type involves the rotation angle of 25 degrees and the slow speed of rotation of the petal;

A short video about the baubles Mepps

Let’s look at each type in more detail:

Spoon Aglia- MISP is the best lure for spinning. It includes 16 modifications and the most long-lasting manufactured. This model is a basic set of lures Mepps. danogo kit range includes 7 types of lures with a weight of 1.5 to 13 grams. This lure has a self-colored petals, which revolve around the core.

Due to its oval shape of the petals are rotated at an angle of 60 degrees with an average speed, as well as provide greater resistance to the turntables when posting. This lure is suitable for slow and uniform fishing and perfectly fit into the fishing on the course, since it is not necessary to raise and accelerate. The angle of 60 degrees is most attractive to pike.

Spoon MISP Comet has a bright look that contributes to enhanced draw attention to the predator. Pinwheel itself is painted black with multicolored dots. Just this lure well-proven in special weather conditions and in different bodies of water both from torrents, and underwater obstacles.

Dimensions of spinners have №00 and №5 up

Turntables with 00 miniature size and are ultralaytovym turntables. Perfectly suited for catching chub and golovarya, well, or perch. They are best suited for fishing in the shallows and the surface layers.

Size number 1 mainly for perch.

№2 and №3 suitable for any fish from golovarya and asp with pike to perch.

Clean pike bait is №4 and №5.

Spoon MISP AgliaLong the best option for beginners who are just getting started with fishing lures. In this model spinners petal presented as a willow leaf with a core of bright beads. sheet of rotation angle of 30 degrees and varies depending on the wiring – this attracts the fish. Spoon AgliaLong MISP is designed to slow the wiring, which makes it more noticeable vibration and visual signal is most pronounced.

Available this Baubles in 8 sizes. It is better suited to catching predators in stagnant waters.

Many companies began to imitate this bait releasing petals in the shape of willow leaves.

Spoon MISP Lusox- these baubles are designed for toothy pikes. They move the calm waters and have a kind of a lead head. There are 4 sizes with a weight of 7 grams to 20.5 grams. The colors have Lusox plain with a broad black stripe in the center and red at the end of the shape of a circle. Good catch on piled pond. During the fall of spinners, it is desirable to take a break in the harness and wait until it reaches the bottom of the spoon.

You can also try fishing and speed wiring – it will attract pike, perch or walleye.

If you disconnect the load, that can be hunted and in the oxbow lakes and ponds overgrown with reeds.

How to tie a lure on a fishing line. This article will help you if you only master the spinning fishing.

Spoon MISP knowingly received many positive reviews, and the delights of the fishermen. If you like spinning fishing you should definitely try fishing with the use of these fine spinners and fishing on a large predator, and catch it as a trophy you can on the basis of Zavidovo fishing on Lake Balkhash.

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