Atlantic salmon or salmon
Salmon relates to salmon and is the most noble of all the freshwater salmon. Salmon is the trade name of Atlantic salmon. It applies it to a passing fish species, as most of the carries in the sea but spawn directly into the rivers.
The appearance of the Atlantic salmon
The body of salmon oblong, covered with fine silvery scales. Back from salmon is much darker and belly casts a blue hue. In short fins of fish. The dorsal and caudal fin gray with brownish tint, and all other fins are bright.
Salmon has an elongated head and wide mouth, where a lot of small teeth. Like all of the salmon family in salmon have a specific adipose fin.
Salmon reaches a size of 150 centimeters and a weight up to 40 kg.
Habitat and lifestyle salmon
In a salmon habitat. She lives, starting from the coast of Canada and continuing to the north of Europe, ending the north-east Russia. He lives mostly salmon in the sea, but some individuals are able to live in some rivers. Keeps it is not far from the coast and at a depth of more than 120 meters does not go.
It feeds on salmon fry and insects, as well as crustaceans and small fish.
Salmon is very sensitive to the purity of water, so the water quality deterioration, it begins to die. Besides salmon subjected to overfishing, which significantly reduces its population.
Sexually mature salmon becomes 5 – 6 years old. Spawning in September and November. The spawning period in salmon on the sides appear red and orange spots.
properties salmon
Salmon is considered very tasty and useful fish. The salmon meat is very high in protein, besides it has a huge number of different vitamins and easy to digest in the body.
The salmon twice vitamins than any other fish. Saltwater fish are very useful for pregnant women, children. Meat Salmon improves eyesight and the functionality of the brain. Its fat is much more useful than any vegetable oil because it lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
When used salmon you will improve blood circulation, liver and stomach, nervous and cardiovascular system, as well as enhance immunity.
Catch a salmon-based Zavidovo you do not succeed, as the area of its habitat does not affect the water in Kazakhstan, but try your luck at catching other trophy fish you always can.

30/сентября 2016