Африканский сом видео - Рыболовная база Завидово

Африканский сом видео

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

африканский сом видео

African or marble airbreathing catfish catfish is found in all African waters, the Jordan River and in the southern parts of Asia.

The peculiarity of the African catfish is that they have developed a special organ that allows them to breathe atmospheric air. From the gills of catfish leaves a special body, riddled with plenty of blood vessels. This easily allows the soma immediately breathe out of water expanses. Studies have shown that for more effective work of this body, the humidity must be around 81%. If the gills stop working catfish die within 14-47 hours.

If the pond in which he lives catfish, does not correspond to its habitat, he crawls into another body of water. The catfish is resistant to temperature changes and transfers salt levels up to 10 ppm in the water. The natural habitat of the area is water temperature of 25-30 degrees.

By eating African catfish are not picky. Eats like beetles and molluscs, as well as plant foods and organic garbage. The body resembles the body airbreathing catfish catfish catfish and eel. The color depends on the habitat scale, but there are marbled gray-green tint on the skin. It lives of about 8 years and reaches a length of 170 cm and weight 60 kg.

African catfish has long been an object of commercial fishing and breeding in suburban areas. Since this type of catfish are not picky as food and water it is not difficult to grow in the home.

African catfish videos Breeding

The meat of this fish is a dietary and there are practically no small bones. Also in the body of this fish is almost not settle harmful organisms that cause harm to human health. Meat has a darker tint than the meat of its European relative, but is more fleshy and fat, and there is no unpleasant smell inherent soms.

Some people have already started a business growing KGS

African catfish video

Airbreathing catfish African catfish video

Such catfish grow even in a barrel

From drums African catfish video

Base Zavidovo will give you the chance to catch catfish in ponds Balkhash.

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