In Kazakhstanthe hugenumber of anglerswho lovewinter fishing. With winter approaching,eachfanbegins to prepare forthe upcoming seasonof winter fishing.Focuses on somemain points: The first thing isto inspectthe gear. Over timefishing linecan weakenand loseelasticity,in this case, itmust be replaced.Ifduring the yearthe lineto lubricatewith vaseline, thenyou can avoida lot of problems. Don’tforget aboutthe rotating parts. Coilsneed to disassemble.
Then lubricatethe bearings, axlesand other componentswith oil.Leastneed to seethe spinnerswith jigs. It is necessary to examineeachstingerbait. Need to check, not dullit. Ifthe stingis blunt, thenit needs to be sharpened, it is doneusing needle files. To sharpenthe stingshould always bethe side whereisthe beard.Then you needto inspect the equipment thatis used when creatingholes.Motoledoburfor winter fishingThe main toolfor these purposes — the rotationthat createsthe holeat high speed, notcreatingnoise. Not so long agowas mainly usedmanual rotations. But progress does notstand stillandnow the process of drillingthe wellssimplified to a minimum.The best devicefor drillingthe wellsismotoledobur. Theyhave a special enginethat works perfectlyat low temperatures.In addition,there are severalother advantagesof motoleggera: Minimal vibrationand noise; The extremely low atmospheric pollutionby exhaust gases;
Resistance to highloadswhen drillingthick ice; The most simplearrangement of blades, allowing for quickreplacement of astandingknife. Due to these advantages, the drillingof a holeoccursalmost silentlyandwith a minimum of effort. The ice pickto drillholesIn addition to the ice, a great toolto createholesisthe ice pick. It’s a small crowbarwith a handle.Using the crowbar, you can create awide enoughhole, which is very goodat catchingbig fish.Using thesame screwsdonot work.Hole inthe iceto be processedas carefully as possiblethat the fishing linedoes not breakbecause of sharp edges. And, of course, very importanton the ice fishingbox. It needs to be spacious andto have a sufficient height, so that it can beto sit. Carefulcare of gearand equipmentis a guaranteeof good fishingandsuccessful fishing.Get ready forthe winter fishingonthe basis of Zavidovo!