Pike – a predatory freshwater fish that are known for their front fangs. The largest representative grows up to five feet in length and weigh up to 12 kg. of Course, pike has excellent taste, especially in smoked form. How to catch walleye – the theme of our article.
Where and when you can catch walleye
An excellent time to fish for walleye – spring, pre-spawn fish. Effective fishing in late autumn, but here we must note that the fish sinks to the bottom. In winter, pike are more willing to bite when the ice has only established.
Walleye can be found in clean lakes, and rivers. It is held in coastal areas with fast currents or deep at the edges of pits or ledges, the bottom perch like hard. Acceptable water temperatures 14 to 18 degrees Celsius. The favorite habitat of walleye – the steep, sandy Bank.
On that the best way to catch walleye
The most effective and popular way of fishing for walleye is spinning.
Among the lures for spinning fishing for perch common foam or silicone fish.
Spinners choose to spin. The main disadvantage of the fishing lure is considered part of the zatsepistost, making it impossible to find fish in overgrown areas. “Sudanica” choose lures-cranky or minnow, lures is cranky suited for deep casts.
For fishing lures walleye is better suitable jig wiring.
Still one of the popular methods of angling for walleye has become live bait fishing.
In summer, walleye are attracted to bleak, Dace, gudgeon, roach. In night fishing suit frogs or crayfish.
In winter you can also use carp.
Advice from experienced fishermen
Only use sharp hooks.
Choose the bright colors of lures.
Very often, the pike does not swallow the bait, as if sniffing and realizes that trying to fool, in this case, we recommend to pre-process bait flavours.
The bigger the bait, bigger the fish.
Walleye fish careful, try not to make noise and be visible in the water.
To reduce the gatherings some fishermen suggest to install an additional tee for silicone fish.
The reservoirs recommended to plant a sprat on a hook spinners.
The most efficient lures for walleye are considered to be elongated model Golden hue.
River “tiger” to catch is not easy, but if you choose the right place and pick up a good tackle, you can get a great trophy instance.