In late spring, when most species of fish spawn, in front of the angler task is, what type of a predator to catch, to whom it will be interesting to hunt, and it is desirable that the result of fishing was impressive.
Quite popular and the most promising predator, called ASP. He dwells in many waters of our country and has impressive size, up to 10 kg weight. Most often the fishermen get specimens weighing up to 500 grams. Catching fish is extremely interesting, as it is a ruthless hunter, but very cautious and cunning predator, the capture of which is comparable to a full-fledged hunt.
Spawning and pre-spawning feeding period the fish are directly related to weather conditions. Spawning often begins in early may and lasts up to two weeks. Pre-spawning feeding period is closely associated with weather conditions, namely temperature and atmospheric pressure.
Catching fish in may
The biggest problem is the catching fish is his caution and constant vigilance. ASP has excellent eyesight and hearing. He can from afar to notice the approaching in his direction a boat or angler. The best weather for catching fish in may and a windy and cool when out on the water there are ripples, it happens the same with small rain. Many prefer to catch the fish from shore . Jerks from ASP always strong, fast, sharp and aimed slightly to the side. Also ASP is not attacking a prey under water. The anglers have long been using the feature of ASP, because he gets himself on the hook for even stronger and deeper. Like many other predators, Chub likes to dwell in waters with a sandy bottom with plenty of cool water and strong currents. Chub likes heavily overgrown areas of the reservoir, by the water trees and snags.
In may, the ASP may allow the fisherman to a distance of 3 to 4 meters to yourself. To spawn will run off smaller birds, and then large, trophy fish. So many are waiting for the beginning of spawning to go on the hunt for the trophy asps. After spawning the fish feed starts almost immediately after a couple of days after spawning. This period lasts about a week.
Catching fish in may and tackle
ASP is a predator, besides not the weakest, but on the contrary, one of the most ruthless and aggressive. He eats, usually small representatives of the underwater world, and sometimes insects, fallen from the trees into the water. In the period when the ASP is actively fed before spawning, fishing with spinning is prohibited, so catch him on the boat, fly fishing and live bait, is lowered away from the shore.
Catching fish in may is not particularly difficult in terms of lure selection. Chub is an omnivorous predator. In may, the ASP is not bad as can peck at the moth, the worm and the foam in the form of a small fish. Sometimes, in may, Chub bite-even on an empty hook.
During pre-spawning and after-spawning period you can experiment with different lures. You can even try a new, exotic lure.
For more interesting fishing as often as possible to change the method of fishing, fishing method, lure and bait. So not only will you be able to catch a big trophy, but will experience a lot of pleasant experiences. To experience a range of feelings you will be able to Zavidovo fishing.