Карп в мае - Рыболовная база Завидово

Карп в мае

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

карп в мае

The month of May is the most favorable time for catching large, captured trophies of fish. Fish has already forgotten about hibernation and begins to show maximum activity while preparing for the forthcoming spawning. During this period, the fish starts the pre-spawning zhor, which has a favorable effect on fishing. Catching carp in May is very active and can bring an excellent trophy, especially its successful catch at the beginning of the month. During spawning, the fish will not be so good at pecking, and after spawning it will hurt for several days, showing almost absolute passivity. In the article you can see where it is best to look for carp in May, what kind of bait, tackle and bait is best used.
Where to catch

Look for fish in well-warmed places, usually with the abundance of natural food. If in the beginning of April the water was heated approximately at a depth of 1.5 meters, then in early May it will be heated at a depth of up to 3 meters.

There are always promising places for carp fishing. Such places are pits. Any fisherman fishing on a feeder should be able to find places such as pits and crooks. It is in such places in the spring that carp lives. Carp in May eagerly feeds in places with elevations, while cruising throughout the water area.

For the choice of bait the main thing will be determined with the season. Carp strongly attracts smell. For autumn fishing, use a mixture with a natural smell – for example, with the smell of a shell. For summer fishing, a bait with a sweet smell, such as caramel, strawberry, vanilla or raspberry, is best. For spring, mixtures of neutral odor are best. Why? When flowers, grass, trees begin to bloom in May, a lot of natural odors are accumulated around them, which are difficult to kill, and if killed, this can frighten the carp, which will confuse it and it just will not float in your direction.

The bait should attract the carp with its taste qualities and create a good cloud of turbidity, but do not saturate the fish. As a flavoring, hemp seeds or neutral molasses are used.

In the bait you can add a nozzle used for carp fishing. In May, carp can be caught on the next sandwich in the form of a worm and corn. The worm and corn should be 25% of the total weight of the bait. So the fish will naturally perceive the bait, which will easily deceive her.
Tactics of catching

To begin with, you need a starting code. The cool point is from 30 – 40 casts densely packed feeder. This will first attract small fish, and then a large fish.

By this time, a cool feeder with all the equipment is already sent. Throw every half an hour, updating the bait and nozzle. Otherwise, the chance of biting is significantly reduced.

When carp fishing for a long time, you must constantly feed him. This is done every 5 hours after the starting cast.

They throw not only at the very cool point, but also a short distance away from the cool spot. In the place of bait, mostly fines feed, and the large fish keeps a little to the side. So you can catch a big trophy.

Carp in May will be excellent to peck at the fishing base of Zavidovo. Here you can always catch trophy carp and other large fish.

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