Particularly successful and interesting is the fishing of pike in May in the post-spawn period. The best period of pike fishing is the first half of May. In order to catch a pike in the spring you need to get acquainted with some of its features. The main tips for fishing for pike is catching in the cloudy weather for bait. As a live bait, it is best to use a dace, a bleak, a roach or a scoundrel.
Where to catch pike in May?
After spawning, the pike accumulates strength for a couple of weeks, after which the post-ferret jor begins. For pike fishing in May, cloudy weather is best suited, as mentioned above. In the quiet evening you can go out to catch a pike on a small river in the clear of melting waters. You can catch a pike one, two weeks after spawning on spinning gear. Most often this is the first half of May. They catch the pike from dawn until dark, as she is hungry. At night, its biting slowly subsides, but in different reservoirs the pike has its own schedule, so there is no definite time for catching the pike.
After spawning, the pike is very hungry and ready to swallow a whole flock past floating fish, hiding in the bay or near the tributary. On artificial lures pike bites, but worse than on bait. Catching zhivitsa can be on bloodworms and maggots. They catch a poultry in small standing rivers at a float fishing rod. Hooks use No. 20 – 22 and a fishing line of 0.15 – 0.18 mm. It is necessary to monitor the freshness of the live bait, therefore, it is often necessary to change the water in the tank with the live bait and not leave it in the sun for a long period.
Bait for pike fishing in May
The best living creatures are: a fir, a bleak, a scoundrel, a roach;
A little worse pecking pike on chub, okunkov, crucian carp;
The worst rancher are the ruff and tench.
Tackle for pike fishing in May
Even with a strong flood and a rapid decline in water, the pike will actively move around the reservoir in search of bait. The difficulty lies in the emergence of a hyperactive, strong predator. The first spawning of pike occurs in three years of life, when its weight is already more than a kilogram. For fishing for pike, the following gear should be prepared:
Spinning – 2 meters;
The line diameter of 0.27 – 0.35 mm;
Steel lead – 10 cm;
Wide single or double 20 mm hook;
Sliced olive 10 – 20 grams;
Tactics of pike fishing in May
Before the start of the fishing it is advisable to make a couple of test casts, in order to know the relief of the bottom. The pike does not like the rapid current and lurks mainly in places where the external stream is washing away the depression. In such a place, the inhabitant, dragged along the bottom, will come to himself and begin to resist, giving signs of activity, which will provoke a pike.
More successful is the tactic of pike fishing when baiting is conducted at a distance of 50 to 70 cm from the bottom. When dipping a fishing line into the water, count it, and when the throw is repeated, stop at counting 2, until the final digit (from 10 – remains 8, from 5 to 3).
The rod should be kept at the same level with the cord, to reduce the load during the jerk. Poklevka looks like a strong blow, and the larger the fish, the stronger it will be. Immediately you can not cut it, you need to give the fish the opportunity to swallow the live bait.
A large pike will drag the bait to a depth, away from the shore. This fish is cut in 2 – 3 seconds. A small pike will float to the shore or along it. Such a fish should be given from 10 to 15 seconds, then cut and pulled from the water. The fish is smoothly brought to the shore, so that it does not make a candle, since this can lead to the breakage or descent of the prey from the hook. The pike is pulled out with a net, and the large one is pulled ashore by the bank.
Floating tackle
This is not the most effective, but no less interesting way to catch toothy. Suitable for people who do not want to get carried away with spinning or for those who do not have a boat. The rod should be approximately 3.5 meters with a float of cork. The float must withstand a gudgeon or other live bait. The float is loaded so that the inhabitant could hardly drag the tackle, but could also move to the floor of the water, luring the pike with his movements. Hooks should be large enough and sharp, preferably double, to prevent the pike from falling off. Fishing for pike in May depends on the place and luck you have chosen, without which there is more than one fishing.