Roach spring
Roach is the most common fish in our waters. Roach is also called a Bursch. But, despite the fact that the roach lot, for fishing you need to know features catching roach and be able to choose the right tackle. Roach is quite active in the spring and catch, it will not be easy, if the right to choose the place of fishing and tackle. How to do it you can read below.
The timing of spawning
Roach active all year round and roach in spring is no exception. Winter fishing roach fishing are replaced with summer gear. With the appearance on the surface of the first gullies can easily get summer gear.
Biting roach begins immediately after ice break-up. The higher the water temperature, the better the bite. Fish lay their eggs in different water bodies in different ways, so catching roach can all spring only changing the place of fishing.
Roach often comes in the spring to spawn in may. Caught roach before spawning season. At this time, you can catch a roach bigger sizes – up to a kilo and above. Before spawning, roach goes in large flocks to the streams and rivers. So as the pack were constantly on the move, fish activity is observed throughout the pond. Even the abundance of bait will hold fish in place.
Catch it in the early spring at shallow depths, as it enters the shallows to warm up, and warm water. The best bait is the worm and bloodworm.
Tackle for catching roach in the spring
The most popular and effective gear for catching roach in the spring and float rod. If fish in a standing body of water in one place, then over to bait in the transaction, and to constantly move. You can catch on light tackle. Equipped with it gracefully and with great sensitivity.
For roach applies light rod length from 4 to 6 meters. For fishing from the Bank, the main fishing line tied to the tip of the fishing rod. For long casting need a small spinning reel. The thickness of the twine from 0.14 to 0.16 mm. the diameter of the leash from 0.1 – 0.12 mm.
Hook size depends on your bait.
The float should be exactly fitted to each touch of the fish was noticeable.
In bottom fishing use the feeders and pickery. For fishing on the feeder make a small and narrow-minded casting. Roach comes close to the shore, so the feeder and sinker used light. Starting zakim doing with the feeders, and then move to the fishing sinker.
The rod length from 3.1 – 3.9 m, test 5 – 30 g.
Coil size from 1500-2000.
The main line of 0.2 mm.
Leash length 0.5 – 0.8 mm and a thickness of 0,14 – 0,16 mm.
The feeder is mounted to the main fishing line with a tube-protivotankovaya or loop system.
The search space
Roach going in the spring in shallow water in a grassy and well-warmed bays. Here it can feed on insect larvae, insects, caviar of a pike or IDE. For successful fishing need to find a place.
When fishing on a standing body of water the bait you need to throw a little further lured point, and then tighten the snap-in rod or coil to the fishing spot. Catch preferably against the wind, but this is possible only in case of moderate and weak gust of wind.
If the bottom is not present roaches, you must look for in other layers of water. Sometimes it rises closer to the surface and looking for food there. In the early morning or late evening the fish approaches the border of algae. For fishing in such areas need to comply with the disguise, so as not to scare the roach.
You can catch the roaches we have at Zavidovo fishing.