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For many, fishing for walleye in the spring useless, comparable to finding a needle in a haystack. But despite all the talk and the difficulty of fishing in this period, walleye, it is time to actively feed on and is well caught with the right search, feed lures and lure. How is the fishing for walleye in the spring?

Fishing for walleye in the spring

The search method and walleye fishing in the spring is very different from catching him in the summer. Need a different approach when searching for a fishing spot for walleye, and also need to pick the right lure depending on the weather conditions. Pike by this time likes to change their attitudes and habitual moves to a new regime, under which you want to adjust.

Where to look

Rule summer search perch – a day in the deep, at night in shallow water, it is absolutely not acceptable. The spring perch is always at a shallow depth, both day and night. He rests not in shallow water, and in places at a depth of 2 – 6 meters. Sometimes it can stand in places up to 15 m. Looking for walleyes with a promising bottom topography, and in places of a possible congestion of the pack. Such places can be anywhere, and topography, they do not depend in any way. Often shoals of perch are located under bridges, near rip currents and other possible areas of the reservoir. Quiet and prefers places with a slower current. To search for walleye in the spring need a lot to run from one place to another, seeking oblasova possible places where the walleye.

Spring zhor

Like all freshwater fish, the pike goes for spawning in the spring. Spawning usually begins from mid-April until the last of may. Before spawning starts biting. In this period it is best to try to catch walleye. The spawning period of walleye coincides with spring floods, particularly with the rapid increase in water level. Duration Jora is small and lasts a maximum of a week. After Jora about fishing for walleye in the spring can be forgotten until the summer.

Tactics for catching walleye in the spring

You’ll need to frequently move around the pond to sh in all possible areas. Noticing the shot, stop and try to sh in this place more thoroughly. Spring type of transaction on a perch different from the summer. Sometimes he likes the uniform wiring, and sometimes stepped. Sometimes the wiring are slow and from time to time twitching and podmahivat line. If you managed to get to the period of George Zander, you are guaranteed a good catch. The biting will stop as abruptly as it starts. If such a take over, it can be concluded that intensive feeding of walleye was over. In this case, you can go to catch pike and perch.

Tackle for walleye in the spring

Gear used are the same as in the summer. The rod length 2.5 – 3.5 m with quick system. Coil take light and compact, preferably with a spare spool and a powerful drag. Much resistance when playing, not even in summer, so the power characteristics of the coil need not be increased. Use fishing line braid.

Bait in the spring

A common bait in the spring is a jig. Take vibrohvost from 3 – 7 cm best gray-black, black-green and black colors. Fish should be a dark color, but not to be bright, welcomed the presence of jets, which attract walleye.

To try their luck catching walleye in the spring, you can Zavidovo fishing.

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