Spring fishing for carp on the float rod
With the onset of spring every fisherman waits for the beginning of spring fish carp. The most popular spring fishing for carp on the float rod. The spring fishing for carp on the float rod is a highly anticipated time for many anglers.
After winter fishing you need to go to a completely different type of fishing, different searches for the fish, the fish change preferences in relation to food and behavior. The carp fishing begins in early spring. To catch start when the water warms up the warm spring sun. Too early going fishing can turn backlevel and will only spoil the mood. When can you start catching carp on the float?
Spring fishing for carp on the float rod
We need to wait until the fish begins to move away from winter frosts and will become more active. Fish activity starts when warmed up to 6 degrees and more water. It’s about the beginning and middle of April. Heating of water depends on the type of reservoir and its depth. If the pond is small and with little depth, it warms up much faster flowing river or lake with great depth.
Early spring carp caught mainly in shallow water. In such places the water warms up quickest, and carp can easily there to get warm. In addition to shallow water wakes up much faster than natural animals, which may eat after hibernation carp.
At carp in the spring pre-spawning feeding period starts and he begins to peck greedily at all of the proposed fisherman bait. At a properly chosen location and the necessary bait carp bite is very active. Starts spawning in late may and early June when the water warms up to the level of 16 degrees. During spawning, they won’t bite. Resume biting at the end of June.
Where to catch carp
Fishing for carp on the float is held in areas with the greatest warmed the water. Much earlier carp are biting on the shallow ponds. On large rivers and reservoirs, the water is heated for a long time, and carp will Wake up in them much later.
Look for carp to a depth of 0.5 – 1.5 meters. At this depth can be detected the greatest concentrations of fish and rely on the constant biting. In the spring of carp seek to come closer to the reeds and cane, and sometimes by the shore.
Here the carp is looking revived from the winter cold bugs, spiders, larvae and other insects. They are easiest to find in the shallows.
Early spring carp quite shy, so catch it with caution. In the spring the water is still pretty clear and the fish sees what happens on the shore, especially in calm weather. Apart from human fish to see a snap, so use a thin tackle, especially fishing line, it should not be thicker than 0.2 mm. Large carp have to catch later, as it aktiviziruyutsya later, often after spawning, so the fishing line will be enough.
The float is best to use a oblong, so it will be easier to see the bite and will be able to send the bait to the bottom, where there is carp.
For best activity of carp it is desirable to lure. It is important not to overdo it with the bait, so as not to saturate carp, but in moderation lured place will bring a great result.
Spring fishing for carp on the float rod needs to be properly filed bait. From bait often depends on the result of the whole fishing. In the spring, fish need protein to build up strength after a long hibernation. Focus on baits of animal origin, such as:
Spring carp rarely can be caught on baits of plant origin, but sometimes it can catch on the dough, barley and semolina. You can take the bait of a vegetable origin and to try to fish and its use, even if it will not bring result, then there is nothing to worry.
Best spring fishing for carp on the float rod is held in the morning hours, after sunrise and in the evening before sunset. Day it is also possible to catch so this time he basks under the warm rays of the sun.
Most often carp can be found in areas of the reservoir, on which the light falls directly. The night bite should not wait, as the nights still cold and the fish won’t show any activity.
Catch carp in the spring on the float rod, you can fishing base Zavidovo.