Bursch – predatory fish. Fishing bersha something similar to catch carp. In the annual fishing calendar fishing activity bersh is possible to allocate two periods. The first is the end of March and until may. The second in the beginning of August to end of October. Winter bersh more active in the second half of winter.
Fishing for bersha in spring takes place mainly on spinningovye baits, at least on the Donk and float. In early March, the Bursch actively biting in the second half of the day. The most effective bait in the form of spinners spoons with a metal leash. The wiring is carried out in different layers of water. On Sunny days it is better to do the wiring at the water surface, cloudy closer to the bottom.
Fishing for spring Bursch
In the second half of March started fishing at bersha. Catch him in Sudakovo and trolling the same bait, and walleye. Catch from the shore and from the boat. The most effective live bait fishing sizes 4 – 5 cm.
In April bersh goes to the deepest places of the reservoir. With sonar it can be detected at a depth of 19 meters. Catch from the boat by the sheer method. Shore caught on a heavy jig and baits and use additional weights.
Catch all day while it’s light. Get it from great depths easier to just Donk. Its equipped with hooks № 6 – 8. The hook is pushed non-living fish, like sprat. After casting gear slowly pulled up and moved.
Fishing for summer Bursch
Summer bersh also active in the two periods. The first period in June. At bersha this month after-spawning feeding period. During this period, you can catch the Bursch on any rig, but catch it anyway, not everyone can.
The second period starts in early August. In July, the Bursch caught at night and before dawn. From August to mid-October bersh best caught on spinning lures. Basically catch on jig baits.
For catching bersha use the same lures and walleye. It is desirable to have all Sudakovo lures and bait made of silicone, brown, yellow and green. They perfectly mimic fry, who hunts bersh. Good show themselves lure red white and acid colors. Trophy bersha caught in the middle and slow transaction. In early summer, not a bad show itself, spoons and twisters.
What you can catch bersha summer?
Want a full Arsenal of lures. They need to be in contact with the bottom. When you tap the bait of the bottom creates turbidity, which seeks to fish. It activates the fish to the bait.
If you catch on the float, use a hook № 8, with bait in the form of goby or minnow, measuring up to 5 cm Tackle should throw in the pit area, preferably at its output. Used fishing line sizes 0.25 – 0.3 mm.
A good result shows a ground rod with a sliding weight. Leash use from 25 – 30 cm and hook No. 6. On a hook baited with worm and fish slices. In July bersh bite only in cloudy weather, at dawn and late afternoon hours. Caught on spinning.
In August bersh more active and stable bite. Hours of active fishing increase. Catch on jig baits.
Fishing for fall Bursch
The most productive fishing in the fall. The spinning caught on the jig transaction. Donkey throw of 3 or 4 with fish on the hook. The most effective pieces of bullheads and minnows on hooks № 6-8. In cool water is best to fish bait with the scent of crabs and shrimp.
In October the water becomes more transparent. For catching bersha use a boat and depth sounder. Sunny, warm days bersh may come closer to shore. When boat fishing used lure average weight. Posting is slow with pauses of 3-4 seconds. Bursch at this time can be passive, and will not strike at the moving bait. In November the bersh goes to the winter lifestyle. How to catch bersha in winter, you can read here or watch in the video.
Great fishing for perch and Bursch is held at Zavidovo fishing.