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Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

поплавок для дальнего заброса

For hard to reach places where it is impossible lures fish near the shore, or it is too far from the shore and throw the bait can not be an ordinary fishing rod, the fishing rod is used with long casts. Such equipment for distance casting often consist of: rods and fishing lines, reels, ogruzki, leash with hook and stopper. Used to have a special float for long casting. These floats are moving or fixed dully.

Float for long casting looks like a torpedo or a boom, this form helps it to align during the throw and go into the water at the correct angle. This float is very long, it is the many alarming, but it is necessary to fisherman could clearly see him at a distance, and sometimes they throw up to 80 meters. Some floats reach up to half a meter in length. The shape of the float is designed so that it does not scare the fish, and at a great distance from the shore of little fish scares.
Sliding float

Thickened part of the float length is 20 to 100 millimeters, the arrowhead 200 to 500 millimeters. They have a large load capacity and has a long keel, and an antenna. In moving floats antenna thinner with smaller carrying capacity.
Cylindrical floats

These floats are used to not very far getting to considering calm waters. Make them from specially processed fruit and millet stalks Rogoza or balsa. Sometimes they are made of plastic or metal. Plumage have to be durable and clearly visible, but the color should not scare away the fish.
How to choose a float for long casting

Sliding float fishing is taken with a little over or standing water. With a little during this float is obtained excellent precise sweeps and sweeps more noticeable on the rise.

With strong for the float will strongly react to changes in the water speed and on a collision course with obstacles such as twigs, driftwood and various debris in the pond. This means that there will be false positives, it does not lead to a good catch and give a good mood from fishing.

For rapid current will approach a fixed float. This float is less responsive to the obstacles encountered him. The float must be fixed in two places, and the line is not pritaplivat.

Fishing with a float is sometimes called Italian. Rod is taken on the type of telescope that uses the crossing of the ring with a long 5 – 8 meters. Catch so you can even float in deep water with a strong current.

Both float ogruzhayut to yellow stripes. Choose the best float with a removable antenna. So you can cheat others, to catch at a close range. On the small casting float is becoming more noticeable, so you need to change the long floats shorter.
Sliding float for long casting

Sliding float with fastening in 2 points is rarely used. At the snap, using a sliding float fishing line needs a little pritaplivat and need to catch on the still water or water with little current. Take this float is not very long, rigid plug rod. Pay attention to the need to ring, they need as much as possible. This design allows to distribute the load properly. Spool is advisable to take sports, but not a large number of bearings. Lesko is better to take 60-80 meters and with a thickness of 0, 08 to 0.18.
Stopper for sliding floats.

The elements of which it consists:

Lower pellet
sliding bead
The locking assembly

The lower stopper is needed to not slide off the ground sinker, sinker when slipping badly confused snap. Before the float need to attach the lock bead, which will not allow the node to get to the hole keel. After the beads are attached locking unit, which are knitted from yarn with two antennae.

When you catch long casts do not need to immediately throw the rod with bait. First you need to make a few casts with no attachments and determine the correct range for effective fishing.

At the Lake Balkhash, you can always go fishing as a long casts and near the shore, the opportunity you give fishing base Zavidovo.

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