Оригинальные способы ловли рыбы - Рыболовная база Завидово

Оригинальные способы ловли рыбы

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Оригинальные способы ловли рыбы

The history of the fishery has more than one thousand years. In the development process have come and gone many interesting and original ways of catching fish.

For example, a method of fishing, used by the ancient inhabitants of the Extreme North could be considered as a “forerunner” of float fishing at all. This method of fishing requires the utmost patience and skill. Guns are cord and jail bait. The method is as follows: the cord is tied the bait and thrown in shallow water. If the fish shows interest in the bait, slowly pull closer and closer to the shore, until the fish is within reach of the FORTS.
Fishing with fish stick

In 1494 on the island of Cuba Christopher Columbus was a witness to the original method of catching turtles using fish-stick (Remora), whose dorsal fin is converted into a suction so strong that it is easier to break the stuck fish than to tear off together with the suction Cup. Local residents first caught the Remora. Then pierced the fish’s tail, passed through the hole a long cord, a second, much shorter – through the mouth and gills and lowered Remora in the water near the boat.

Seeing a turtle, a shorter cord to unhook. Follow your instincts, stuck chasing a turtle and sticks to it. This is indicated by a longer cord. After that the turtle was calmly stretched out. Probably in the same way and catching sharks, although rarely as sharks represented less gastronomic interest than turtles.
The radiation fish

In XVII–XVIII centuries in Russia was very common on raising fish. The method was that night on the shore or the bow of the boat ignited the fire. Attracted to the light fish appeared on the surface and in range of a spear fisherman. Pikes in this way was extracted even in the daytime. Fish in pre-revolutionary Russia even fired a shot: “two weirdos Go and shoot Sudakov” (V. Khlebnikov). Naturally, in our day, as the lighting and shooting shot is prohibited.

On the Islands of Oceania fish garfish are caught using bait, as bait using a tangle of threads. The method is based on the fact that the teeth of garfish recurved, and he becomes entangled in the threads.
Fishing on cormorants

Perhaps the most interesting method of catching fish has mastered the Japanese and Chinese. They are used for this purpose cormorants – birds from the squad pelecanoides. This has already been a lot said and written. However, for quite a long time the Chinese kept a secret: how to ensure that the cormorant swallows the fish? It turns out that clever “children of China” put on the neck of the bird a ring of this size to breathe or swallow small fish cormorant could, but a larger Willy – nilly, brought to the owner.

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