Рыбалка в апреле - Рыболовная база Завидово

Рыбалка в апреле

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Рыбалка в апреле

Fishing in April is the time for fishing in the wiring, as the white fish begin to feed before spawning. For white fish escapes and the predator. By early April, most of the reservoirs are free of ice, but on big lakes is still possible to fish from the ice. Night still catch burbot. The pike bite gradually subsides. Trolling in morning and evening hours to catch walleye and big perch at a depth up to 6 meters.

In small streams, where the water quickly becomes transparent and gets rid of the thick layer of ice, it is best to bite IDE, roach, bream, Chub and Podust, as well as gudgeon and Dace. By the end of April is safe to go on spinning fishing for Chub and perch with a small Dace or Chub.
Fish in April

Fishing in April is interesting because the fish is already becomes active and comes to the surface of the water to breathe fresh oxygen. Most of the fish are spawning. This fish is looking for places to lay the eggs.

In April begins the spawning season of pike, carp, carp, roach, perch, sturgeon, and others. Pike don’t tend to change a dwelling place, so catching a pike preferably in the same place where it was caught last year. Pike kept grassy areas, where collects all fines, which you can eat.

In April fishing pike use imitation fish with fry. Nice catch pike on spinning. As bait use minnows, perch, roach and other small fish. Best pecks pike after ice drift. Loves is bright and clear, warm water. Best time for pike fishing in April and early in the morning.

At one time the pike bite has faded, but then again resumes. At this time, you can go for night fishing burbot. Nice walleye caught at depths up to 6 meters. With perch, you can often pull out big perch. Small perch live at depths of up to 1.5 meters, near the thicket of grass. Continue to fish with a jig and a float.

In small ponds, which are faster only free of ice, it is successfully caught in the wiring IDE, roach and Chub, bream, Dace, minnow. Caught in the manure worm, bloodworm, caddis or beetle larva. Well in such a rivers the fish are biting on a Donk and float.

During spawning, anglers are not allowed to have a few tackles. You can go to the Amateur fishing with one float or ground tackle. You can catch only from the shore and at a maximum of 2 hooks on one rod.

In April starts the spawning of perch after the ice starts spawning pike. The fish are spawning in the second or in the third decade.

The nibble fish is entirely dependent on the status of the water body, weather conditions, lunar phases. Count on a good catch, knowing weather conditions.
Fishing tackle in April

Fishing for different fish requires different tooling and different types of gear. Therefore, it is desirable to find the most appropriate tackle for the April fishing. Float and feeder great catch of bream, Dace and bream. Pike are caught outside the areas of their spawning grounds and only zhivtsovy tackle with one hook.

The most productive fishing in April on a roach. Spring roach is collected in huge shoals, and perfectly responds to the bait offered by the fisherman.

In addition to roaches will be effective perch fishing. The most promising methods of perch – summer cepkova a rod with a jig or a crank and a float with a small jig instead of a hook.

Fishing in April is the best time to hunt carp and crucian carp. This fish, catch up on sleep over the winter, it will be hard to gain weight for the upcoming spawning season. For carp and karasinek ponds will be impossible to find a free space. Catch them at the feeder or bottom fishing with feeders. Catch carp almost at the bottom of the reservoir. Practical deaf fastening of the float. The float has the following requirements: it should be easy , and even better made from goose feather. Hooks should be of rooms 3 – 5. A sinker is attached as you like, special requirements for it, but it should not be strongly noticeable.

Need is bait, not the nozzle. How do they differ? The nozzle is bait of a vegetable origin, and animal bait. In April, the fish need protein, as it is prepared to spawn and she needs strength. As bait use caddis, maggots, bloodworms, manure worms. Also demonstrate the beetles.

Great fishing in April offers a fishing base Saidova.

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