Обыкновенный подуст - Рыболовная база Завидово

Обыкновенный подуст

Рыбалка на Балхаше - Рыболовная база

обыкновенный подуст

Podust ordinary

One time ordinary Podust were popular and representative of the numerous rivers and lakes, and even included in the list of commercial fish species. At the moment it is quite a rare fish that is on the verge of extinction.
Appearance and dimensions

The size of the Podust not large, it refers to a small fish. Podust ordinary length is 30 cm, weight up to 400 – 450 grams, but rare specimens to 1.5 kg. Has an elongated body that is densely covered with scales. The color on the belly and sides silvery color, and the back stands out the dark green color. Noticeable eye-catching color of red fins, the caudal fin has a black edging. During the spawning period, males acquire a bright color on the corners of the mouth and around the pectoral fins appear specks of orange. Along the calf appears a black stripe, and the scales are small spots on the head appear the bumps.

Called Podust because of its location at the mouth. Situated under the cartilaginous eye-catching nose and looks in the form of an arcuate slit. The pharyngeal teeth are large, arranged in single row. The lower jaw has a pointed Horny sheath.

Podust lives for 8 – 10 years.

The Podust belongs to the family Cyprinidae from the order of ray-finned fish. Its population recently plummeted. Podust ordinary, the most common kind of Podust.

Podust ordinary likes moderate flow and don’t dwell in the stagnant water. It dwells mainly in deep water rivers with sandy or rocky bottom with large irregularities. The Podust avoids places with slow flow. Podust is a common demersal fish and keeps always near the bottom, almost touching his abdomen. Particularly fond of snag places and rock piles.

Inhabits in most of the basins of Europe. Most common in Germany and Switzerland. In Kazakhstan occurs in the basins of the Ural and Emba. There are in the Volga Delta.

Lives of numerous flocks of a dozen or hundreds individuals in a single flock, from individuals of approximately the same size. Unpretentious and quite trusting, making it easy prey. It attracts the dregs. Not afraid of humans and can swim up to the very feet of the angler. Raised in the sand he’s looking for insect larvae. If seizure of food from the surface of the Podust need to roll over on his back, showing his bright belly. So Podust hunts, because otherwise it does not allow the location of the mouth.

Podust ordinary conducts a day way of life. On Sunny days you can observe the standing of the pack around the bottom of the reservoir. At night, the fish goes to the bottom or hiding in the bushes. Sensitive to damage water.

Podust ordinary feeds mainly on algae and detritus, and insects and their larvae. The food he scrapes a stone with his lips. Spring Podust eats eggs of other fish, which is quite detrimental to their fertility. In the summer, its diet consists entirely of vegetation.

Maturity, Podust ordinary reaches to 3 to 5 year life, with the size not less than 18 cm Spawns for large stones and piles. The spawning season lasts at least 3 days. Eggs have a large with a whitish color. The number of eggs from 1.5 – 12 THD After spawning Podust spends a few days near the spawning grounds. During this period he eats caviar other spawning fish, such as minnow, Dace, Chub, roach. Sometimes eating and their eggs.

Larvae hatch after 2 weeks. The fry feed on plankton, and later move on to a benthic lifestyle, a common Podust.

Breeding begins in April, but sometimes sooner, it all depends on the water temperature. Temperature for spawning of Podust should not be less than 8 – 10 degrees. Fry appear in sufficient warm water in the summer and live in the shallows of low tide. Very young water, through which Podust grows rapidly. In September it migrates to deeper places. To year of life, Podust grows to 60 grams, and to fall to 150-200 grams.

Podust ordinary less and less common in ponds. It includes many red data books of European countries as endangered. The reason for downsizing – water pollution by pesticides, industrial and household chemicals in the stagnant water. Common Podust able to survive only in clean water, so water with Podust should be stored and to monitor their purity.

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