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The inhabitant of almost all freshwater bodies in Europe and North Asia – will impress any avid fisherman. No wonder, because catfish belongs to the class of the largest freshwater fish in the world. Tasty meat, a variety of ways of catching, attract inexperienced fishing lovers to try their luck in catching this fish.
Quick reference on catfish

Catfish – quite large fish of the family of catfish. In most cases, fishermen produce quite small size catfish, less likely to come across instances weighing a dozen or a few dozen kilograms. An extremely rare phenomenon to catch catfish weighing over a hundred pounds. As a rule, the chance of catching such giants increases if fishing takes place at rather low depths.

They hibernate in large groups, settling in the bottom of the pit. Reproduction occurs from the beginning to the end of may (beginning of June). Usually on spawning fish go after a long feeding and recuperation, after wintering. Quite sharp and timid fish, at the time of danger can instantly go to the depth indefinitely. Activity begins after sunset, during the entire night catfish prey on small invertebrates and other fish.
Methods of catching catfish common

There are several quite complex and interesting methods of catching catfish:

Catching bottom fishing rod. Quite common and effective method. One of the reasons why

pay attention to the “bottom line” – the ease of manufacture and availability. A few dozen of bottom rods,

its value will be equivalent to one spinning. For” donkey ” need powerful hooks and fishing line

the high strength – even a small catfish have enormous power.

Classic fishing rod with a float or spinning. Not as effective ways as the above, however,

accustomed, making fertilizing and patiently waiting, you can achieve considerable success.
What to catch

Since catfish is a fish of prey, the nozzle should be selected in accordance with this condition. In the case of spinning, more than suitable spinner. If bottom fishing rod is used, it is necessary to use only live bait. They can serve as a small frog or a small fish. (Zywiec)
When to catch

It should be noted that catfish – heat-loving fish, so it should be caught in the warm season. Ideal time-mid, end of June, all July, beginning of August. If the temperature drops for a long time is not observed, these terms can be increased. If we talk about the time of day – the ideal solution is to catch in the evening and at night. It was at this time the fish leaves its daytime hiding place and starts hunting.

After examining all the points, we can conclude that the hunt for catfish, is not a difficult task. One of the important criteria for successful fishing for any fish is patience and perseverance. Observing these conditions, the catfish hunter will definitely be lucky. See what catfish is found in the jealous-video.

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